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June 26 2004 at 9:26 PM
Charles Carlisle 

Did a job last week, clean and seal a 400 sq ft hallway, dining area, kitchen and entrance - this was the job the customer asked me to stain an almond colour but in the end only wanted it sealed, John FYI.

Everything worked out fine - did it manually with a grout brush on a broom handle, Spinergy 11 and 2, clear rinse, and sealed in with a roller-top bottle on hands and knees in a quicker time than I had originally thought. However, today customer phone to ask me back to remove the spots the sealer left on the odd tile. I cleaned all the tiles after the job but obviously missed some spots that had dried to leave telltale shiny blotches.

Pain in the neck more than anything else; he has such high powered lights in the ceiling and such glossy tiles that every spot became visible from anyone of several different angles. Plus the sunlight...anyway took me about a half hour to remove them with a green scrub pad.

But my technique must be faulty...I don't want to rub any of the sealant right away after applying it, so I wait about 15 mins after sealing before rubbing the tiles with a towel or microfibre mop. But I missed some. How does everyone else deal with these spots?

PS: Gotta love that customer...while we were there, I mentioned that there's a neat technology now called "concrete overlay" that would really spruce up his 2 patios and the concrete deck around the pool. Well, a few telephone calls later, and we walked away with a $2300 painting job for the patios, a paint job around the pool, a sealer job on his driveway and a paint job of a 6' mariners compass design with epoxy paint. 4 days - I'll take it!

Charles Carlisle

Re: Call-backs

June 26 2004, 9:29 PM 

should have posted this on the grout board. Sorry.

Mark Stanley

Re: Call-backs

June 28 2004, 10:22 AM 

The man has some serious skills!

Current Topic - Call-backs
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