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1 Ounce liquid pumps

June 27 2004 at 2:05 PM
Tom Hazelton  

I was reading a post by Heacock a few days ago and he mentioned using 1 ounce pumps on the gallon containers the releasit comes in. I was wondering if anybody knew where to get some. I've looked on the web but was unsuccessful.
Thanks in advance, Tom


Stephen Dobson

Re: 1 Ounce liquid pumps

June 27 2004, 3:37 PM 

i never like those pump things. I get air when i have used them and inconsistent pumps.
I carry a 5 gallon bucket. a 4 oz. measuring scoop.
and a gallon pitcher.
i put the 4 oz of Releasit (2x stuff) in the pitcher. put it under my how water valve on my TM and then pour a gallon at a time into the 5 gal bucket which i then pour into the Cimex.
i get exactly a gallon of water this way and exactly 4 oz of releasit.
I fill up my Cimex by the gallon so as to not have alot left at the end of the job. sometimes if I run short, I use the 2 oz. cup and fill 1/2 gal. of water in the pitcher. This works for me and is alot more exacting.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Ken Cox

Re: 1 Ounce liquid pumps

June 27 2004, 5:54 PM 

you can get them from most janitorial supply & are 2 that come to mind

I got my last ones from Hesco.


Gary R. Heacock

Re: 1 Ounce liquid pumps

June 28 2004, 7:02 PM 

Yeah, my local janitor's supply has them. They cost about $2.00 as I recall.

Some are more durable than others, the one I have actually came from DSC with an order of Spin/Vac.

When that was used up I just put the dispenser on the jug of Releasit Encapsulating Detergent.

One drawback I found was I occasionally lean against it in the truck, and get a squirt when I am not expecting it. When this present jug is empty, I am gonna put it in the "Drawer Of Seldom Used Stuff." And go back to my regular measuring cup, which does not squirt me unexpectedly.


PS Oh yeah, Steve reminded me, getting 180 degree water outta the Truck Mount sure does wonders with Releasit Encapsulating Detergent!!

Derek Beyer

Re: 1 Ounce liquid pumps

June 28 2004, 11:32 PM 

BAHHHHHHHHHHH... guess i'll have to break down and buy one o them van mounted, $15,000 hot water heaters >

thanx --- Derek.

steve f

Re: 1 Ounce liquid pumps

June 30 2004, 4:57 PM 

Or you can spend $18,ooo and get the 240 degree model. I would like to see them put gallon markings on the side of the solution tank.

Current Topic - 1 Ounce liquid pumps
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