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Fiber pads & another new account

July 1 2004 at 1:59 AM
John Watson  

Wore out 1st set tonight. got about 9000 sq ft maintained with them before they got holes in the center areas.

Question. are these fiber pads available in 4" x 8" or 5" x 9" rectangles to fit "The Doodle bug"?? Bob Huges former owner of Chem Spec use to sell the Doodle Bug pole with rectangle pads/bonnetts for doing edges, around doors, under toe kicks and stairs with the CAM program. {Carpet Appearance Management) Seems to me this tool and fiber pad combination will be the cats meow for encapping the same hard to get the machine to areas. If not avalable, is it possible to buy a larger rectangle or square sheet so I can cut my own. I know I can always cut 3-4 out of a large pad but sure a lot of wasted material.

Started another new account tonight. Jay and I did 1/2 of a $1500 job in 3 hours this evening and will do the other 1/2 tomarrow. This is about 30% of carpeted common areas. There inhouse has had a problem with these areas and in the morning we will inspect with owners. If all goes as planned we will be signing a 2 year contract for quartly CAM on these areas at $500.00 per mo. They also have 1950 sq ft of tile and grout 140 upholstered dining room chairs and and and

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Fiber pads & another new account

July 1 2004, 3:03 AM 

Hey John-

That brings back memories for sure!! I had a DoodleBug for a lotta years, finally wore out.

Now I use a 100% cotton swivel headed dust mop. Replacement heads at any grogery or hardware store.


steve f

Re: Fiber pads & another new account

July 2 2004, 7:54 PM 

Go to the janitorial store and buy a 21nch buffing pad

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

Current Topic - Fiber pads & another new account
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