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July 4 2004 at 4:29 PM
Gary Roland  

Hey Rick!
Posted on 6-21-04. Asking when we might see HWE encapsulation product from your co? Are you still working on this or has this idea been dropped?

Gary Roland


Rick Gelinas

Four NEW Releasit products this Wednesday!

July 5 2004, 11:28 PM 


I'm happy to say that the new products will be available on Wednesday.

This project has taken us considerably longer than expected. You just kind of figure... just build a similar product to the original Releasit - but make it for HWE. Not so simple.

We had to change the polymer. We even had to change the ionic structure of the formulation. This was necessary since HWE products are non-foaming. So in other words we had to reinvent the wheel. Plus we had to balance the product so that it would crystallize and also be able to clean.

Added to that we were working on a few products at the same time. Traffic, Rinse, Protector, Spotter. So we were working on multiple formulations plus artwork and everything else.

Well the efforts have paid off. I think we have some pretty cool new encapsulation products to offer. The products are now being manufactured and will be ready in two days. Here's what will be available on Wednesday...


Encapsulating traffic cleaner that cleans a broad range of soils and and encapsulates with a really good crystal. Contains tea tree and an advanced fluoro-chemical.

Encapsulating HWE rinse detergent. Balanced to clean well and crystallize beautifully. Contains tea tree and an advanced fluoro-chemical.

Encapsulating Multi-Spot cleaner. This spotter has been developed to work on a variety of stains. Here are some stains we've seen it remove in our testing... Coffee, Pink highlighter ink, Wine, Lipstick, Sharpie ink. It's designed to encapsulate and doesn't require rinsing. This product also contains enough tea tree to neutralize many types of odorous stains. And it contains an advanced fluoro-chemical.

Soileze Protector:
This is the fluoro-chemical that we put in our products. It is a newer fluoro-chemical. This technology is very effective. We've named the formula Soileze. Soileze can repel a wide array of different soil types. Plus it's compatible with all of our products. So if you want to apply a protector in co junction with any of our other products you can now do this.

[ADDITIONALLY] Since all these products are being introduced under our Releasit brand, we saw the need to differentiate the two existing original products with a new product name. So we will have new labeling for our original Releasit products too. They'll now be called...

Regular strength Releasit (8 oz per gal)

Encap-Clean DS:
Double strength concentrated Releasit (4 oz per gal)

[SYNERGY] All these products are designed to work together.

We've really worked hard on all of these new products. I hope you all will be impressed. Thank you for being patient. I think the investment of time has paid off.

I expect to be able to ship out the new products after Wednesday. Thanks for asking.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 5, 2004 11:29 PM

Mike Hogan

Re: Four NEW Releasit products this Wednesday!

July 6 2004, 7:54 AM 

The real question Rick....will these products make
Jimmy happy?


Rick Gelinas

Four NEW Releasit products this Friday!

July 6 2004, 2:04 PM 


I just got a call from our chemical manufacturer and they had an unexpected delay. They've been waiting to get in one of our raw ingredients. Well the truck arrived today without the final ingredient needed to make our new products. Wouldn't you know it. At least all of the other ingredients have arrived.

So the chemical plant is rush shipping the final raw ingredient in to put our order out on Friday. They've assured me that unless the truck rolls over on the highway we'll have our products on Friday.

Some of you are expecting that we'll be getting out the new products tomorrow. Well it looks like we'll be running a couple of days longer than we anticipated - sorry. But we can expect that UPS will be rolling down the road with your packages when they pick-up on Friday.


Rick Gelinas

Mark Stanley

Re: Four NEW Releasit products this Friday!

July 6 2004, 7:59 PM 

I've got my order in! I especially can't wait to try the new encapsulating spotter. Rick says it has enough tea-tree oil to kill pet urine odor. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ken Cox

where ..??

July 6 2004, 11:36 PM 

where were you able to place an order already ???

I want some soileze and some spotter ??

What am I missing here ..??



Rick Gelinas

Re: where ..??

July 6 2004, 11:57 PM 

You can call me tomorrow or you can e-mail. Please be patient - we'll have everything up and running in just a couple of days


Rick Gelinas



July 7 2004, 4:11 PM 

have you done tests yet

I have already been using Steamways new stuff

I am sure yours will be much better.


Current Topic - HWE
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS