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question about encap-spot

July 8 2004 at 3:27 PM
Bo Newman 

How is Encap-Spot different from concentrated potions of
Also, thanks for the quick answer on Encap-Traffic.


Rick Gelinas

Re: question about encap-spot

July 8 2004, 6:56 PM 

Just like with Encap-Traffic, Encap-Spot is also different...

Concentrated Releasit (Encap-Clean) can clean a lot of different soils. It has been extremely effective on traffic soiling, filtration lines, oils, spills of every type, coffee stains that aren't permanently set into the fiber, the list goes on. [Gary Heacock is the guy to ask. He's always trying it out on some crazy thing or another. LOL]

However Encap-Spot takes spot removal a step further. It's designed to work as a true multi-spot cleaner. It has an even more aggressive blend of surfactants than Encap-Clean. It also contains solvents. It was designed to knock down the tough stuff. Plus it has enough tea tree to quench the stench of moderately odorous stains. And it contains the fluoro-protector too.

Here are a few of the stains that we've seen Encap-Spot remove... Cranberry juice, Lipstick, Red cherry juice, Coffee, Red wine, Sharpie permanent ink (green) as well as (red), Mustard (a faint trace remained), Oil, and Grease.

So I guess you could say that Encap-Spot is kind of like regular Releasit on Steroids. LOL

Oh, one more cool feature... Encap-Spot doesn't need to be rinsed. Just blot up the stain and you're done. The liquid that remains in the carpet works as an encapsulant.

Rick Gelinas

Clay Carson

sounds good...a family of products

July 8 2004, 9:44 PM 

Rick -

I like the idea. When we go out to do a job, we never can fail to bring a spotting kit. I like the compatibility and no rinse.

Sounds like you are keeping your chemist buddy pretty busy. Remember to let him come up from the lab once in a while to eat and bathe or they get kinda crabby...


Current Topic - question about encap-spot
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