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carpet nightmare

July 12 2004 at 8:36 AM

Commercial carpet in a federal building that will not allow cleaning after hours (due to 9-11),this is commercial glus tight looped carpet. From what I understand this carpet has been dry foamed and extracted . Every couple of months they start to scream at my friend about the wicking. I dont believe it is ever vacummed because they clean during business hours . Can anyone tell me what he may be able to do keep it clean . Personally I think its almost impossible with no vacumming but could maybe somone help us with a plan to keep them at bay.

Clay Carson

Help to the rescue!

July 12 2004, 9:54 AM 


Maybe a Cimex and ahhh.....

Some Releasit!! Yes! That's it! Put the two together!

I know it's crazy, but it just might work!!

Sorry, Ron, just couldn't resist, pal!

Seriously, why not do a section to demonstrate what is possible? Also, that would tell you for sure how the carpet would respond. Remember to also view it the next day, as it often looks better then and the wicking, if any, could show itself overnite.


Re: Help to the rescue!

July 12 2004, 11:26 AM 

we do several Federal janitorial accounts all done during busness hours. Vacuumed daily. When we do the quarterly carpet cleaning and VCT work, usually one of the employees comes in on sunday while we work. Never had a problem in 5 years. Sounds like he needs a better relationship with the accounts. otherwise its release-it during business hours, if they aren't willing to have it done on the weekends, they'll havta work around your cleaning. Last resort is ask to talk to the GSA rep about them not working with you.



Re: Help to the rescue!

July 23 2004, 8:06 PM 

What is VCT work

Current Topic - carpet nightmare
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS