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July 14 2004 at 12:21 AM
Mark Stanley  

Why Rick?

This is so "out of character" for you, Buddy. I have always held you and Nancy with the highest regard and still do, but I gotta tell ya.... you're better than this man! You don't need to stoop to his level by playing practical jokes. It does nothing positive for you and your business.

There is probably, many, many reasons why you felt the urge to pull this stunt on John. John and Steve will never be able to compete with you and your product line. In fact, nobody has what you have with the expanding Releasit family of ground breaking products. Maybe, you feel that your dealings with John should remain private. If so, that's fine. I'm all for privacy. However, this was a public prank, so no privacy was implied or appearantly intended.

IMHO, pranks are fine for kids or fraternity buddies, whatever, but this kind of thing simply makes you look childish and unprofessional. Both of which you are not. So again, I say, why do this in the first place.

Maybe, I should just shut up now.

Your Friend,

Mark Stanley


Rick Gelinas

Re: Why??????????

July 14 2004, 1:28 AM 

You're probably right. It seemed pretty funny at the time. But as with most pranks, afterward things start to look differently. And that's becoming the case here too. What was intended as a ribbing at John has turned into a fiasco. I should have thought twice about this one but I didn't. Still a long way from perfect. Thanks for reminding me of that.

You're friend,

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Ever ?

July 14 2004, 3:26 AM 

say or do somethin ya wish ya could take back? i do on a daily basis lol

as you said, your not perfect Rick, but who on earth is? well spoken Bro....always nice to see when someone doesnt give excuses, just a simple apology. being married only 12 years i'm constantly practicing that (or at least trying to lol).

thanx --- Derek.

Ed Valentine

Re: Ever ?

July 14 2004, 3:21 PM 

I must admit that this situation came in like a whirl-wind , and I hope has passed just as quickly. And, I believe it has too. I do not know all the details including the joke or anything else regarding specifics of product formulations.

I know my good friend, Mark S. gave me a chewing out because he believes in what he is doing and those whom he supports. Admirable.

However, I do hope that this issue is resolved and I think it will be by BOTH Industry Leaders.

The very best to all
& Good Fortune to BOTH John & Rick;
Ed Valentine
cross-american corp.

Current Topic - Why??????????
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