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MOM!! He's at it again!!

July 15 2004 at 11:03 PM
Gary R. Heacock  

Encapping furniture, that is.

Jaime Coelho is going around with me this week, learning alla my secrets, seeing how I give estimates to new customers, pricing of carpets and furniture, seeing how I clean different carpets, and different equipment, etc.

So, today, I am encapping a condo on the 4th floor, carpets and the customer wanted her sofa done too, so, OK, I show Jaime how I did it, and he finished the rest of it.

This sofa was the first cotton material I have encapped, black background with a jacquard tapestry pattern, and of course I did test in an inconspicious place to make sure the system would work- and it did. No shrinking, no color run or bleed, and about 30 minutes from start to finish.

I am gonna do more of this, now that I have a cotton material under my belt. More cotton- lookout!! Here I come!! Up to now, all of the furniture material I have encapped has been a synthetic, but I thought here is a good test, and it worked just fine!!

At this point, Jaime may be an encapping rookie, but he catches on fast, and soon will be a master. Probably tomorrow!!



Rick Gelinas

Re: MOM!! He's at it again!!

July 15 2004, 11:14 PM 

Gary I thought that was so cool when you told me today that Jaime is out there with you. (I called Gary from Connections this morning)

For Jaime to travel from Connecticut to Oregon to study at the feet of a master speaks volumes about Jaime's thirst for knowledge. And it is very cool how you are ever willing to pass on what yo have learned. Thanks for being the industry leader and cleaning guru that you are.

Please say hi to Jaime from Nancy and me. Thanks Gary.

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: MOM!! He's at it again!!

July 15 2004, 11:26 PM 

Thanks, Rick!! I do appreciate the kind words!!

I recieved a lot of help when I started, and the one who taught me the most told me to pass along what I know to others, I took that seriously, and I tell anyone I help to do the same- and I know at least some are doing that.

Having Jaime along is fun. Last night, at the store I do monthly, it was closed, so I can do what I want there. So, I set up the Truck Mount, connected it to my Chemstractor and did one room doing HWE with it, and 1 room with just the wand, another room encapping, another room bonneting.

Wouldn'tcha know it- they were ALL equally clean!!

ALL the systems WORK!!

There's a moral or something in there, if ya dig deep enough.


Derek Beyer


July 15 2004, 11:28 PM 

that's a loooooooooong ways from New England! but he must be a smart fella. good idea Jaime! anyone newer to the biz like myself who can afford to do that (if Gary offers of course) would be a very fortunate individual in my opinion.

truly wish i had the time!

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, loved your article in Cleanfax Gary! learned alot about you, you truly are a "Guru"

Current Topic - MOM!! He's at it again!!
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