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First Encap

July 18 2004 at 10:22 AM
Robert Brady  

Ok I have landed my first Comm account. I will be performing this duty soon and based on my performance of course will determine if i win the account and get to service monthly.
Place is a medical testing facilty. Two lobby's and reception areas.
I will be using a 175 rpm mach. Any first time suggestions.


Stephen Dobson

Re: First Encap

July 18 2004, 11:09 AM 

hey congrats on the new account.

YEs, prevac the hell out of it. take your time and do a great job. This sets up the whole process.
Get a gallon or Releasit and use a pad, not a brush.
Rick can hook you up on those things.
Take your time and the rest will pretty much fall into place.
Make extra scrubbing passes if need be.
I have made it a point here lately to not overwet. I tend to force the issue a bit.
But it is a constant learning process, 'tweaking' my technique if you will.
good luck. You will do ok.
This board is a great place to turn to help. So you are already off to a good start.


Gary R. Heacock

Re: First Encap

July 18 2004, 8:10 PM 

Steve pretty well nailed it. Easy stuff. I would add- for spots, spills, after vacuuming, give these a dose of 50-50 Releasit Encapsulating Detergent applied in a quart trigger spray bottle, agitate slightly.

Using a roto, I suggest using the shampoo tank and shower feed onto the back of the Fiber Plus Pad. You can lay down the shampoo doing a side to side motion, or forwards and back, then go over that area with oval motions, not laying down more solution, overlapping each oval by half. Or just make ovals, because ovals make sure to get all sides of all tufts.

Lighter soiled areas only need ovals, lay down the solution as you go one way, back over it making ovals dry.


Robert Brady

Re: First Encap

July 18 2004, 8:30 PM 

What is the shipping time like from Rick? I'll be doing this Saturday comming. I would like to get some and those Fiber Pads.
I hope I get enough comm work to get that cimex here in a few months.


Rick Gelinas

Re: First Encap

July 18 2004, 9:14 PM 


Great advice above!
Thanks Steve and Gary.

Shipping is free within the contiguous US. Eastern states runs about 3 business days, progressing to 5 business days for western states, and up to 7 business days for the extreme Northwest.

Wishing you all the best with your first encap job. If you have questions I'll be happy to help. You can call me tomorrow 727-821-2020.

Rick Gelinas


Re: First Encap

July 19 2004, 10:45 AM 

It's great! I started about 2 months ago, have done probably 35,000' now. retail, offices, a couple houses. It makes life simple, works great, and no returns for wick-backs. I don't dread carpet anymore.



Rick Gelinas

Re: First Encap

July 19 2004, 6:08 PM 

That is way cool Brian!
Keep up the good work
Glad to hear that it's making a difference for ya!

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: First Encap

July 20 2004, 12:42 AM 

i am with Brian. no more fear of CC'ing for me...Encap'ing brought my business new life! i feel i finally can see the light at the end of the office cleaning (janitorial) tunnel.

haven't been able to take a weeks vacation coming up on 10 years now...once i can close all my office cleaning acct's and switch over to CC'ing full time, i'm taking a much needed vacation

thanx and good fortune --- Derek.

Robert Brady

Re: First Encap

July 25 2004, 8:49 AM 

I was very pleased with the performance of Releasit and will not heisitate to use it again provided I see the long trem results.

Current Topic - First Encap
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS