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Quicker Office Cimex Cleaning

July 18 2004 at 3:07 PM
Mark Stanley  

Hey gang!

Here is something that will help you clean FASTER in and out of all these little offices we have to clean in commercial buildings [some of you probably know this already or have some variation of this]:

When cleaning small offices, (after thoroughly prevaccing) begin encapping at the door. Push the Cimex forward 3 or 4 feet while triggering the shampoo feed trigger. Then, release the trigger and pull the Cimex back over the same area. Now begin a new "row" cleaning in the same way.

After you have completely encapped 4 feet in from the door, begin a new series of cleaning rows further into the office. Work this way until the office is completely encapped.

Encapping these small offices this way offers me several benefits:

#1) Cleaning seems to proceed much quicker.

#2) Cord managment is no longer an issue because it will just follow behind you as you clean rather than coil and pool up behind you so you have to bend over and grab or kick it back out of the way. I hate laying the AC cord over my shoulder! I always feel like I'm about to be electricuted and I look dumb - but that's just me.

Also, even on larger open areas, it works better and faster for me to encap into the area starting at the front door and encapping forward and back 25 feet or so at a time, rather than starting at the farthest point away from the door and working my way back.

Anyone else doing it this way?

This message has been edited by vlmcentral on Jul 18, 2004 3:09 PM


Stephen Dobson

Re: Quicker Office Cimex Cleaning

July 18 2004, 11:53 PM 

hey Mark,
Glad that you have a system that works for you.
NO, i personally haven't tried it this way. But that doesnt make your system wrong, just the way that you have tweaked' it to best fit your needs. Good job.
I usually have the cord over my shoulder. LOL
I usually too, start at the farthest point and work back. Not all the time. I just play it by ear and mix it up a bit.
The good thing about encapsulation is that there is a certain technique, but also we are allowed to tweak it a bit for our comfort, etc. I guess all methods allow us this opportunity.
As long as you are getting great results and the custys' are happy, what more can we want?

Continued Success



added bonus

July 19 2004, 6:08 PM 

along the same lines I've found an added bonus while encapping offices. Don't know if it works with brushes, but with the rotory and a white pad, I spray the whole office if its less than about 10x10, then buff my way in, and then, RUN OVER THE DESK CHAIR PAD, cleans it up, with no extra time at all. than buff my way back out. This is in my jan. accts, if your just there to do the carpet, I spose ya don't need to do the desk pad, or ya take them up. Unless there is a dirt line around edge of pad this works pretty good.


Derek Beyer

Re: added bonus

July 20 2004, 12:48 AM 

similar to Steve D for me, i drape the cord around the back o my neck (when i'ma sweatin it leaves nice black marks on me yellow shirts lol). but i typically start at the door and work into the office. walking on the freshly cleaned carpet hasnt been a problem as my shoes are kept clean.

good thread as always Mark!

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Quicker Office Cimex Cleaning
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