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Office partitions

July 19 2004 at 9:36 PM

Would any of the experts on this board please give some suggestions on cleaning office partions?
Standard HWE, Encap, is heat needed or not so important?

BTW,Just to give you "fence riders" an insight on Ricks chemicals and a Cimex.
Myself and a helper worked all night Fri. (started at 6pm) and most all day Sat. 12-11pm. Made $3500.
Any way you look at it this system is awesome! Actual cost's about $500.
We will probably do better next weekend!
This is not bragging or anything like that, I just wanted to let you guys know that this is possible.



Re: Office partitions

July 19 2004, 10:52 PM 

HWE with a dry tech tool. I tried encap with a Von Schrader Esprite, I had to redo with HWE.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Office partitions

July 19 2004, 11:31 PM 

Carpeted and fabric covered wall partitions can be cleaned using the bonnet method with Releasit.

1. Get a window washing strip washer
2. Get an extension pole if you'll be doing tall walls
3. Mix up a bucket of Releasit

Dunk & wring out the strip washer in the bucket of Releasit. Mop the walls with the strip washer. Dunk & wring the strip washer frequently. Replace the water as it gets soiled.

Here's what an UNGER brand strip washer looks like. They're available from any good janitor supply house...

I have used this method to successfully clean tall sliding fabric walls that separate banquet rooms. This process worked very well for me and it was easy to do.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 19, 2004 11:36 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 19, 2004 11:32 PM


Stephen Dobson

Re: Office partitions

July 20 2004, 12:06 AM 

thats a good idea Rick.
The fun thing about encapsulation, it brings into play a little imagination.
i would have used a hand help sprayer or a 32 oz sprayer and a hand brush and towells for any SS trim that would get wet. Now I know another option.



Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Derek Beyer

Re: Office partitions

July 20 2004, 12:50 AM 

WHOA, neat idea Rick

does that Unger have some sorta brush or agitation thing-a-muh-bob on it? or just a sponge?

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Office partitions

July 20 2004, 6:52 AM 


The Unger strip washer is simply a fabric cover installed over tubular head that fits onto a tapered pole. I would suggest getting the Microfiber version. The scrubbing action comes from the motion of your arms (so factor that into the price).

Here's an additional thought. Use can two buckets. One with rinse water and one with Releasit mixed in it. After you scrub a little - rinse the strip washer first in the rinse bucket - then fill it up with detergent and wring it out again in the Releasit bucket. In that way you'll extend the life of the Releasit and it won't get as dirty and need to be replaced as often. (Wait a minute - no forget about that - replace the Releasit more often - yeah that's the ticket)

Rick Gelinas


Re: Office partitions

July 20 2004, 4:41 PM 

Don't mess around if you have hwe capabilities for fabric partitions use it!

Wall carpets are a lot different and yes the method Rick posted above would work for that, remember to pre vac the walls, as most of the soil can be removed with a good vacuuming.


more specifics please

July 20 2004, 7:22 PM 

I need a couple of ideas for good chems.,I will try the releasit way to see if it works.

My neighbor's business is in the setup and removal of the cubicle type office furniture, he frequently gets asked by the customer for referral's on cleaning these units when they move them around.
The last job he sent down the road (yesterday) was $7.50 per side 96 sides, said it would take them a couple of hours to complete.
Looks to be quite profitable, so this is why I'm asking the questions.

Boy, and I thought I would stir up a pot of you know what when I told about $ made this weekend, I guess there are not to many HWE guys lurking over here on the dark side.


Re: more specifics please

July 20 2004, 8:22 PM 

Cleaning fabric partitions is very profitable, the price is minor considering what they are paying to have them moved, or in buying new panels, so don't worry about what you made in a few hours work. Hot water extraction is the fastest way to go when cleaning panels.

George Wills

Re: more specifics please

July 22 2004, 2:51 AM 

I just lay them flat on their side and Cimex them.


Re: more specifics please

July 22 2004, 9:13 PM 

You got to be kidding, lay them on their side and Cimex them, and than buy them when you destroy them.


Rick Gelinas

Re: more specifics please

July 23 2004, 1:51 PM 

I'm pretty sure he was joking Don -
gotta lighten up there

Rick Gelinas

George Wills

Re: more specifics please

July 24 2004, 12:36 AM 

Yes I was kidding. But hey, who knows it may work.

Current Topic - Office partitions
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS