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July 22 2004 at 11:48 AM
Mark Stanley  

First off.... I am just not a HWE guy anymore. Of coarse, there is nothing wrong with the process itself, but for me and my business, I am prospering being known as "the dry guy". When prospective clients call me, all I have to say to them is that I am "the alternative" to Steam Cleaning and without knocking anybody's method, 90% of the time, I book the job with that client.

Furthermore, I am in different 7 Yellow Pages with a large display ad that promotes my usage of the Cimex, High-Speed Rotary Bonn-ecap, Releasit, Austalian Tea Tree Oil, Built-In Protector, Encapsulation, etc. So, lets just say, my business is firmly rooted in my belief in what Rick is doing with the great new encapsulation products he has created.

On the COMMERCIAL side (5% of my business, so far):

After vacuuming, I shampoo-feed Releasit (Double Strength) with my Cimex and Fiber Plus pads and spot with Encap Spot to make more $$$ quicker than I ever thought possible, while at the same time, doing the best cleaning job on commercial grade carpet that I've ever experienced. These carpets stay cleaner 3 or 4 times longer than with any other process (and I've tried just about all of them and combinations of them).

On the Residential side (95% of my business):

I am now using a method that has become known as "Bonn-ecap". Basicly, it consists of prevacuuming (including all crevices), prespraying, prebrushing (high-speed), bonnet rinsing (high-speed), and grooming.

I have been mixing Encap-Traffic (12 oz. per gallon) + Encap-Spot (2 oz. per gallon) in my new 5 gallon heated electric sprayer and using this encapsulation mixture to high-speed (300RPM) BonnEcap with. All I can say is WOW! It rocks! My clients are raving! They love the tea tree oil fragrence and the fact that their carpet has had more "protection" added to it.

I love the fact that I am now leaving a beneficial crystalline residue that actually will vacuum back out of the carpet. Life is good!

But now, I'm hearing that Encap-Traffic is going to be made stronger but no longer be quite as good of a crystalline drying product. That concerns me. I want a product that doesn't foam (so I can spray it correctly), cleans outstandingly well, and leaves a perfect crystal for later vacuum removal.

Rick, I believe in Releasit products. They are simply the best in my book. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that what I need is is a new product from you: Encap-Bonnet.

Any chance you will ever make a product like this? If not, keep your old stock of "original" Encap-Traffic for me.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap-Bonnet

July 22 2004, 6:50 PM 

Hey Mark,

Don't jump to the wrong conclusion. Perhaps I gave the wrong impression in the earlier post. Let me start by saying that Encap-Traffic is a product that we worked hard to develop. A LOT of testing went into achieving the balance that we arrived at. And it is pretty near to where it needs to be.

Like I said in the earlier post - we're walking a tight-rope. We're trying to balance between exceptional crystallization and cleaning performance. Since we're hearing that cleaners would like us to lean a bit more toward the performance side, that's what we're going to attempt to do. But keep in mind that when a person is actually walking on a literal tight-rope their primary objective is to avoid falling down. And that is the goal here too. As you know, my position is all about "encapsulation". So any adjustments to the formulation (tweaking) are going to be sought without blowing the crystallization function.

Hope this clears things up a bit

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 22, 2004 7:29 PM


Re: Encap-Bonnet

July 22 2004, 9:16 PM 

7 Yellow pages, how much are you spending a month on these adds?

Mark Stanley

Call Yvette!!!

July 22 2004, 11:23 PM 


I'm in Georgia (metro Atlanta). There are 3 companies who put out Yellow Pages books in my 3 county service area (Douglas, Paulding, Carroll):

BellSouth Real Yellow Pages (books for: Douglas, Paulding, Carroll)
Yellow Book (books for: Paulding, Carroll)
HomeTown Yellow Pages (books for: Douglas, Paulding)

This spring I wanted to only upgrade my little in column ad to 1 more book. I went to Bell South and they said "Sure! Whatever you want Buddy!".

Shortly thereafter, I met a lady at a local business convention I attended. She is an advertising expert and get this... She used to work for Yellow Book and also did freelance work for HomeTown Yellow Pages. I casually mentioned to her about my YP advertising and told her what I was paying.

When I told her, she gasp! She basically told me that I was being "ripped off". Oh man! Did I ever feel stupid! Anyways, to make a long story short, she went and "represented" me to the afore mentioned 3 YP companies and got me a dollar bill sized ad in all these books for 1/3 the price I would have normally paid "on my own". For all this, my monthly yp advertising is only about $450

She knows all the "tricks and special programs" that the YP companies have but won't tell you about........Why? Because you didn't ask, silly! LOL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've learned more about advertising from Yvette in 3 months than I ever learned on my own in 10 years. She helped me lay out a YP ad that will generate clients using a system called R-A-S-C-A-L. Cool stuff. My business has tripled because of her!

Here's a pic of Yvette

Her website is HERE

Current Topic - Encap-Bonnet
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS