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Encap-Spot = odor treatment

July 24 2004 at 2:15 PM

Rick Gelinas  

After we put our dog to sleep last month I got a Bengal kitten to help fill the whole that was left behind. It's hard to expect a cat to replace a sweet yellow lab but it is a pretty cool kitten. Bengals are a hybrid cross between an Asian leopard and domestic cat. They're referred to as lap leopards...

Well in the past few days the kitten has had a couple of accidents. This morning he left a nice puddle of diarrhea on some beige nylon Berber. It soaked to the backing. Nancy scooped up the main part of the stain. But the entire room had that gut wrenching stench to it. The carpet was soaked through with stink juice!

So I took a bottle of our new Encap-Spot and a large bath towel that we used to use for washing the dog. I completely saturated the spot with Encap-Spot and wiped it up. I repeated this process a couple of times. The spot was NAAAASTY. And I figured that I'd probably also need to extract the spot since it was so putrid smelling to begin with.

After I cleaned the spot we left the house all morning. I kind of figured that I might still have some mess to deal with when we returned. Well I just returned home and checked the spot. It's dry, perfectly clean, and not even a hint of odor. The odor is GONE and so is the spot. We formulated Encap-Spot to consume odors and I can say with a certainty that it does work!

Now I just hope the cat gets over this problem because he's a really awesome animal. I think he'll be fine when he gets over this bug. Looks like another vet bill is coming $$$. My vet has just expanded their clinic. I say that they should name the new wing the "Gelinas" wing since we have single handedly financed it for him. LOL

Rick Gelinas

Dave Bigler

Re: Encap-Spot = odor treatment

July 24 2004, 2:49 PM 

Rick: That is one awesome looking cat. Good to hear about the success of your products. Can't wait to get some. Keep up the good work.

Dave Bigler
When It Comes to Cleaning - the BIGLER the BETTER!!!



Re: Encap-Spot = odor treatment

July 24 2004, 9:00 PM 

Heya, Rick, nice seeing you last week in Florida.

I have one beef w/ya. You said your cat has "accidents".

Buddy, I've owned cats. There's no "accident" about it - they do it on purpose!



Dave Bigler

Re: Encap-Spot = odor treatment

July 24 2004, 9:33 PM 

Rick: How large is a lap leopard? What is their temperment?

Dave Bigler
When It Comes to Cleaning - the BIGLER the BETTER!!!

Robert Brady

Re: Encap-Spot = odor treatment

July 25 2004, 8:56 AM 

I know several here in Dallas with these cat's and they are the worst for inside accidents. I have yet come accross a Bangle cat that didn't pee in the house. Just FYI Rick. I have a custy with two, that are starting bring in good money.
Hey you want to breed that thing. let's see sale cat make CC $$$$, may be something to that marketing tip! LOL


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap-Spot = odor treatment

July 25 2004, 9:03 AM 

It was great to see you again last week at Connections too. You may be right about the "accident". His litter box was recently moved to a different room in the house, he doesn't seem to like the type of litter my wife had been using for our other cat (got a new type yesterday and he likes it better), and he's been sick.

Bengals get to be 10-15 pounds. They are active, intelligent and affectionate. Here's the Bengal cat association's website... If you're considering getting one, I can truly tell you that you'll fall in love with it. And I'm not even a "cat person".

Rick Gelinas

Ken Cox

How much did that cat cost, Rick ?

July 25 2004, 11:28 AM 

I was never a cat person either until I got married.

My wife just had to have a cat, so I got her an
Abyssinian and 1 year later, we got a Flame Tip Persian
(white as snow, except the tips of his ears, nose and tail are a slight burnt orange color...gorgeous cat)

Anyway, they both cost about $500 each...but well worth it, IMO as they
are the coolest and funniest pets.

One thing though, before we had the cats, I'd heard nightmares about
"accidents" and male spraying, so we had them both neutered basically at birth,
and we have never, ever had an "accident". Maybe that has something to do with it ? Is your Bengal, neutered ? The only accident we've ever had has been the occasional hair ball spit up, but that is no big deal and easily cleaned up.

That cat looks very cool...we'll definitely be looking into it...might wanna get it neutered though


This message has been edited by Ken_Cox on Jul 25, 2004 11:29 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: How much did that cat cost, Rick ?

July 25 2004, 3:50 PM 

Zack cost us $500. My wife is an animal LOVER too, which explains her attraction to me. LOL And she's getting me to the point where I'm starting to like cats some. This cat is way cool! He was 5 months old when we got him and we have already gotten him fixed. He is very loving. I think he's gonna make a great pet!

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: How much did that cat cost, Rick ?

July 25 2004, 11:46 PM 

boy i love cats! nice lookin kitty.

we have problems with owning cats though
our area we live in doesnt allow cat's outside unless they are leashed. so of course none of my neighbors follow this rule but me. my 3 cats (had them all seperately) that i had to get rid of all stayed indoors. i wondered why all 3 pee'd on the carpet consistantly. i learned after shipping the last one off to the local humane society, that my indoor cats were seeing the outdoor cats and they couldnt mark they're territory to keep them outside cats away from the house / windows, so they would pee inside. (they were all fixed, it wasnt "spray")

i now hear ferrets are a great alternative to cats. gonna look into that maybe.

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, i picked up a possibly HUGE job for tomorrow nite. tons of greasy spots. glad i'll receive my encap spotter tomorrow

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