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When To Use Brushes?

July 25 2004 at 11:55 PM
Derek Beyer  

just for a review, when is the best time / occasions to use the Cimex brushes over the FP pads?

from Gary's post below, my pea brain cant figure that out. is it just with sculpted orientals that a brush works better than the FP pads? or would it be better on some resi berbers??

i have done some sculpted resi berbers. should i invest in a set of brushes? if so, which brush should i order (stiff or soft) ?

thanx! --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: When To Use Brushes?

July 26 2004, 6:40 AM 

Derek you need to have all of the various brushes (I want to retire someday). LOL

Actually I think you'll do just fine using pads just about 100% of the time. My techs have never used brushes. I have brushes on hand - but they simply don't get used. If you do decide to get brushes, order the soft ones. The soft ones are the ones that the oriental rug washing guys use. The firm brushes are handy for tile and grout. But I'd suggest keeping your money since you probably will have little need for the brushes IMHO.

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock


August 13 2004, 12:22 AM 

Well, perhaps part depends on your market. Mine is mostly residential, the FPP work great on any plush, Saxony, Berber, unless it is a highly sculptured weave. Same for some orientals and other loose rugs. I find the FPP work fine on probabaly 99% of all loose rugs I have done, but the main reason I used the brush on that last set of rugs was because I did want the rugs to be as wet as possible short of fully immersing them. The FPP do not appreciably wet the rugs- or carpets, the brushes do get the rugs or carpets considerably wetter.

I think this time was the only time I have used the brush on a rug since I got the FPP in Febuary.

That's around 50 or 60 loose rugs of all kinds.


Current Topic - When To Use Brushes?
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