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Releasit Doesn't Work On Greasy Oils??

July 27 2004 at 4:34 AM
Derek Beyer  

well i gave her a run for her money tonite. did a large machine shoppe with near 9000 sq. ft. carpeted office space. not only was it very oily / greasy, but their were pieces of metal drillings all over the new Dyson took care of them.

so anyways, i was thinking of using another name brand Encap product that i wont mention. instead i stick with old DS Releasit or Encap clean....whatever-ya-call-it.

i also decided to give the Max pads another shot. you were right Rick and Steve, the Max pads work better on certain carpet types than others it seems. the office had 2 different carpets installed. while the Max pads worked extremely well on the blue / gray carpet pictured below, it didnt fair as well on the patterned brown / beige carpet that i failed to grab a picture of. i also didnt really think til afterward that i shoulda put my ole FP pads on for the brown til after i was done.

at any rate, lemme stop jabberin and show ya the pics. you can see how the gray border carpet turns back to it's original blue-gray while the blue carpet turns back to it's original dark blue.

both me and the friend i sub'ed the work from were thrilled!

the pic's never do the job justice

BTW, this was one of the worst looking commercial carpets i have run across. the Max pads tore them up! (not literally ) only made 1 "dry" pass over everything except the dozen or so spots...gave the spots 2-3 hits.

pic #1 :


pic #2 :


Mark Stanley

Re: Releasit Doesn't Work On Greasy Oils??

July 27 2004, 9:25 AM 

Great job, Derek!!!

Yes, Releasit does indeed clean greasy oils. It isn't the "ultimate" degreaser, but it definitely can handle most situations.

If you ever run across a greasy carpet that won't budge with Releasit alone, try prespraying it with Encap-Traffic and letting it dwell 4 minutes before encapping. If that doesn't work, you could prespray with a product like KleenRite's "High PH" before encapping (or just wait for Rick's new "atomic strength" Encap-Traffic).


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit Doesn't Work On Greasy Oils??

July 27 2004, 1:03 PM 

Very nice looking pictures Derek! TWO THUMBS UP! Glad to hear that it worked so well for you.

Let me clarify the "greasy carpet" thing. I've tried to make it a practice to under-promise results rather than over-promise. Here's what I mean. If I tell everybody that you can clean greasy carpets with the Cimex and Releasit I will get hammered by somebody who goes out and takes it into a lard pit and finds that he can't cut the grease. Through the years I've had to clean some restaurant carpets where you couldn't see the carpet - you know, where there's a layer of black grease that looks like hardened chewing gum on top of the carpet (strong detergents and HWE are needed for these). Releasit won't go there, it wasn't designed for that. And yet there are a lot of cleaners who are now cleaning reasonably oily restaurants and manufacturing facilities with the Cimex/Releasit system. So yes it does work! But for the sake of keeping this all in perspective, we'll just keep it our little secret.

I know what you mean that they never really do it justice.
Keep up the good work.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 27, 2004 1:20 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 27, 2004 1:17 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 27, 2004 1:05 PM

Jim McDannel

Re: Releasit Doesn't Work On Greasy Oils??

August 9 2004, 7:42 PM 

Great Job on the Carpet, Sure makes that door look horrible

Now.. Keep up the Good work,,,


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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS