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What to use and how to use it on filthy commercial carpet

August 17 2004 at 10:27 AM

I just went to look at a commercial job of approx. 700 sq/ft of glue down carpet. The carpet was cleaned by another co. and they left big dirty spot rings. They were called back twice to fix it but couldn't. The customer said that HWE was used the last time but didn't know for sure the other times. There is also a dark black traffic path for the first 10 ft.

What would be the best approach to take with this condition on a commercial carpet. Will the releaseit products take care of this or will I have to do a combination of HWE and the releaseit scrubbing methods?

Can I guarentee to the customer that I can make at least 95% to 100% of the spots disappear.

I did receive a sample bottle of the releasit product. I mixed a small amount in a spry bottle and tried it on my berber carpet. I spayed a light coating on the stains, a wicked area from prior cleaning, and stairs. Then I scrubbed with a brush. My results were mixed. I felt that The traffic spots and stairs looked better when HWE but the wicked area did disappear. Was I doing something wrong.


Rick Gelinas

Re: What to use and how to use it on filthy commercial carpet

August 17 2004, 5:43 PM 

Scrub aggressively with Releasit can solve your problem for you. You'll need to have PLENTY OF AGITATION. A Cimex would help considerably! But since you don't have a Cimex here's an approach that may work...

1. Pre-vacuum
2. On the nasty traffic lanes you can spray Releasit as a pre-spray mixed 50% stronger than normal
2. Use a rotary machine with a solution tank
3. Apply a FiberPlus pad to the machine
4. Scrub the spot with a single wet pass followed by about 10 dry passes (a slight amount of additional detergent can be released during the dry passes - DON'T over-wet it). No less than 10 passes will work when you're trying to clean a trashed carpet with a rotary machine.
5. After cleaning the carpet apply a few squirts of 50/50 Releasit directly to the spills and wicking problem spots and then make another pass with the machine to work the Releasit into the fiber.

If you will follow these steps carefully you can get some pretty decent results. Hope this info helps ya

Rick Gelinas


Re: What to use and how to use it on filthy commercial carpet

August 17 2004, 6:43 PM 

Not to be disrespectful, but the encap product Vac Away (The Cleaner Image in Tennessee)in side by side tests has been by far the most SUPERIOR product i've used, and I encapp daily in both commercial and residential.

We just cleaned several thousand SF last night and the appearence today was PHENOMINAL, better than any other product to date, even the coffee spills that always need a reducing agent were barely noticable today.

We used a GLS, Rotary with bonnets and a cimex with Fiber MAX pads.



Rick Gelinas

Re: What to use and how to use it on filthy commercial carpet

August 17 2004, 7:51 PM 

I'm sure that it's a good cleaner Danny.

You might also consider comparing the density of the crystal of Releasit to the Vac-Away product.

Here are two questions to consider...

After drying a sample of the two products in a dish compare:

1. Which crystal has greater density? The density or mass of a crystal equates to its ability to encapsulate and hold a soil load.
2. Which crystal appears to be have sufficient density to remain intact once it has encapsulated the soil? We don't want the crystal to break down in the carpet.

These are simple comparisons that you can compare right on your kitchen counter (no microscope needed). The results speak for themselves.

Use whichever product you like best Danny. But it's important for us to keep in mind that adequate cleaning is only half of the equation, the function of the crystal is also required in order to encapsulate the soil and hold it in suspension. It wouldn't make sense to look at one side of the coin without looking at the other.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 17, 2004 8:08 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 17, 2004 7:56 PM


Re: What to use and how to use it on filthy commercial carpet

August 17 2004, 8:54 PM 

I will keep a regular check on this account as i drive past it daily and can just walk in and look around.

Current Topic - What to use and how to use it on filthy commercial carpet
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS