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Water heater

August 19 2004 at 12:33 PM
Douglas Keil 

I was thinking about the benefit of having constant heated water as you are cleaning with the Cimax. Could this be done by placing a bucket heater in the water tank of the Cimax by placing a Y connector on the power cord to plugin the bucket heater / question whould the plastic tank melt if contact is made with the heater?. Would not additional constant heat result in faster & better cleaning?

This message has been edited by dkeil on Aug 19, 2004 12:35 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Water heater

August 19 2004, 5:11 PM 

Two things to consider:

1. Voltage. You may experience situations where you will blow circuits.

2. As the tank empties, there won't be enough solution to cover the heater. You may also burn up the heater, plus the detergent sitting on the exposed heating element will burn and smell awful.

And you really don't need all that much heat. Big agitation is what's getting the job done here! Sure, temperature is a factor - but it's not absolutely imperative. We even get good results with cold water. The advantage of using hot water is only slight. Releasit is capable of cleaning well in all temperatures. So you don't need to kill yourself trying for hot water. (oops, I guess that's was 3 things to consider)

Rick Gelinas


Re: Water heater

August 19 2004, 8:45 PM 

I will add to Rick's reply, you "may" blow curcuit breakers.
NO, You will blow breakers. and that can be costly if someone is working on their computer on the same circuit and you blow it, and they loose their work.

Ed Valentine

Heaters (will) blow circuits ?

August 20 2004, 9:11 AM 

Here are the specifications for most immersion heaters:
(Keeping in mind that "any" electric element that heats water will draw the same amps no matter where you may purchase one, period)

1- Immersion element: 1000 w.= (approx.) 8.5 amps.

( 1 Immersion element will take awhile to heat 5 gallons of water; therefore, you may need 2)

2- Immersion elements: 2000 w.=(approx.) 17 amps.

And, as suggested in the threads above, HEAT AMPS are much more different than most other component amps in that they are always "constant" (unlike a vacuum motor for example where they fluxuate)and will have the potential to blow circuits.

Good Fortune to small businesses;
Ed Valentine
cross-american corp.

Ed Valentine

Heaters (will) blow circuits ?

August 20 2004, 9:12 AM 

Here are the specifications for most immersion heaters:
(Keeping in mind that "any" electric element that heats water will draw the same amps no matter where you may purchase one, period)

1- Immersion element: 1000 w.= (approx.) 8.5 amps.

( 1 Immersion element will take awhile to heat 5 gallons of water; therefore, you may need 2)

2- Immersion elements: 2000 w.=(approx.) 17 amps.

And, as suggested in the threads above, HEAT AMPS are much more different than most other component amps in that they are always "constant" (unlike a vacuum motor for example where they fluxuate)and will have the potential to blow circuits.

Good Fortune to small businesses;
Ed Valentine
cross-american corp.

Ed Valentine

Heaters (will) blow circuits ?

August 20 2004, 9:12 AM 

Here are the specifications for most immersion heaters:
(Keeping in mind that "any" electric element that heats water will draw the same amps no matter where you may purchase one, period)

1- Immersion element: 1000 w.= (approx.) 8.5 amps.

( 1 Immersion element will take awhile to heat 5 gallons of water; therefore, you may need 2)

2- Immersion elements: 2000 w.=(approx.) 17 amps.

And, as suggested in the threads above, HEAT AMPS are much more different than most other component amps in that they are always "constant" (unlike a vacuum motor for example where they fluxuate)and will have the potential to blow circuits.

Good Fortune to small businesses;
Ed Valentine
cross-american corp.

Ed Valentine

Heaters (will) blow circuits ?

August 20 2004, 9:12 AM 

Here are the specifications for most immersion heaters:
(Keeping in mind that "any" electric element that heats water will draw the same amps no matter where you may purchase one, period)

1- Immersion element: 1000 w.= (approx.) 8.5 amps.

( 1 Immersion element will take awhile to heat 5 gallons of water; therefore, you may need 2)

2- Immersion elements: 2000 w.=(approx.) 17 amps.

And, as suggested in the threads above, HEAT AMPS are much more different than most other component amps in that they are always "constant" (unlike a vacuum motor for example where they fluxuate)and will have the potential to blow circuits.

Good Fortune to small businesses;
Ed Valentine
cross-american corp.

Ed Valentine


August 20 2004, 9:14 AM 

Sorry gentlemen, don't know what the devil happened!!!!????

Good Fortune to misterious situations;
Ed Valentine

Ed Valentine


August 20 2004, 9:14 AM 

Sorry gentlemen, don't know what the devil happened!!!!????

Good Fortune to misterious situations;
Ed Valentine

Derek Beyer

Re: ?????

August 24 2004, 6:03 PM 

lol Ed

Current Topic - Water heater
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS