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Water marking on low level loop comm. carpet

August 20 2004 at 12:01 PM

I have an account where water marking on the carpet from a previous water loss in the hallways is extreme. Will encapping remove the water marking? Do any of you have any experience with this? Thanks for your thoughts.


Re: Water marking on low level loop comm. carpet

August 20 2004, 1:43 PM 

yep, its worked on a hallway that a RR had run over into and dried.
I cheated and misted orange cleaner in first to help with the musty oder. than did again with just encap



Stephen Dobson

Re: Water marking on low level loop comm. carpet

August 20 2004, 2:54 PM 

I personally in the last week have encapped over some minor water spots with great success, but they didnt have any odor.
It may need a specialized treatment if the odor is bad, That isnt your fault, or a knock on encapsulation,.
That water damage and odor control is a whole other ballgame.
So that is a personal judgement call.
You arent really doing any good just getting a marking up and letting the odor remain.
But you may give it a shot. use the search function on here. I think someone had a post about this earlier. not for sure.
good luck


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: Water marking on low level loop comm. carpet

August 20 2004, 5:54 PM 

Yes, what Steve said. This isn't a "water damage restoration" method. However if you're just dealing with staining from a puddle of water that has now dried up and left a mark - the encap process can work extremely well. Here's how to do it...

1. Scrub aggressively, aggressively, aggressively.
2. Get it dry ASAP. Use blowers if possible.
3. Apply Releasit EncapClean at 50/50 to the spot and work it down into the fiber.
4. Pat yourself on the back for fixing the problem for them!

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Water marking on low level loop comm. carpet

August 20 2004, 6:45 PM 

What Rick said.

THEN!!!! Charge them plenty!!



water marking

November 8 2004, 1:05 PM 

Mist 2% Hydrogen peroxide on the water mark and leave it over night. This will oxides must water marks out. It may take a second treatment.

Current Topic - Water marking on low level loop comm. carpet
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