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Summerfest Banquet - Door Prizes

August 24 2004 at 10:30 PM
Mark Cermak  

There have been a couple additions to the door prize list (50 prizes total):

Summerfest VI Banquet - Door Prizes

1. Stand up Filtration & Grout Brush value: $15.95 Gary Heacock

2. Perfect Stair Hose Holder value: $10.00 Gary Heacock

3. Upholstery Fabric Cleaning Manual value: $49.95 Gary Heacock

4. Chemical Shelf OR Stair Tool (choice) Al Nessinger w/Chemspec

5. Basic Systems Module value: $249.95 Scott Rendall & Dan Burk w/BRC Systems

6-9. 1 Gallon Release It Encap Clean &
1 Qt Encap Spot value: $26.25 Rick Gelinas w/Excellent Supply

10-17. 1 Qt. Encap Spot value: $6.25 Rick Gelinas w/Excellent Supply

18-25. 1Gal. each: EcoClean Pre Spray,
Breakthrough Pre Spray,
Power Out LEC (liquid detergent),
PC Rinse (fiber rinse agent),
1 Jar each: Power Out Powdered Detergent
Millenium II Powdered Pre Spray. Keith Schuyler w/Power Clean Industries

26-29. 1 Gal. each: Clean n Vac PBX, VLM, TLC, & URL John Geurkink of Carpet Care Systems

30-33. 1 Gal. each: Clean n Vac PBX John Geurkink of Carpet Care Systems

34. Fjord King T Shirt Terry Brevik

35. Dirty Grout Marketing Package value: $289.00 John Rupich & Carry Cassidy of Dirty Grout

36. 1 Gal. each: PrimeTime Encapsulating Extraction Cleaner,
Foam Dry Encapsulating Brush & Bonnet Cleaner,
PowerMax Encapsulating Prespray,
UltiMax Encapsulating Fiber Rinse Mary Beth Marsh w/ Scot Laboratories

37-42. 1 qt. Grout Sealer, & 24 oz. (ready to use) all
purpose stone & tile cleaner value: $32.00 Stonetech

43. PDQ Postcard CD Wayne & Gena Miller

44. Spray Master choice of: Adjustable with one 5 quart jug, or Adjustable with one 7 quart jug, or one 9-1 preset with one 5 quart, or one 9-1 preset with one 7 quart jug. The 7 quart jug sprayers will have included one "Hang Up" bracket with lance clips. Master Clean Products

45-48. 1 Gallon each of the following pH-Iber Guard products: Encap Cleaner, Rinse Detergent, Pre-Spray, Protector, ALSO 1 Gallon each: Odor Eliminator in Lemon Lime, Cinnamon Spice Fresh Scent Steamway International

49. Bissel Vacuum Cleaner (with stipulation it be used in demos Saturday) Larry Capitoni

50. 15" OP Machine value: $1,495.00 Orbitec

Current Topic - Summerfest Banquet - Door Prizes
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