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Frances is in the hood

September 5 2004 at 2:33 PM

Rick Gelinas 

In case anybody is curious, here's what's going on in my area.

The outer edge of Frances is approaching our area now. This is a slow moving storm as you all know. We expect it to get kind of messy. But won't be as destructive as Charlie was a couple of weeks ago.

Here's a house with a tree in the living room. This is on my block, just around the corner from my house.

Short Video Clip from my
front door

Here's a website that monitors wind conditions down at Boca Ciega Bay where we sail. This is a really good amateur weather website that monitors high wind conditions in our area...
Local Weather Conditions

It's starting to get WINDY!
The heaviest part of the storm has not yet reached us. But we should be fine. I have a generator and plenty of supplies. So I think we'll be alright.

This one doesn't have the power of Charlie. I went down to give some assistance after Charlie - it's a war zone. The pictures you see on the news don't do it justice. So this one could have been a lot worse.

The wind is howling like crazy and the house is creaking. We're in for a ride.

Take care.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 5, 2004 2:54 PM

barry stein

stay away

September 5 2004, 4:50 PM 

when i lived in clearwater a few years back a big blow came up the gulf and rested some 50 miles waest of st.pete.for two days our family was held hostage-mainly rememeber that bad sound-stay safe/god bless,barry


Rick Gelinas

Re: stay away

September 6 2004, 1:07 AM 

I'm happy to say that Frances has moved through and we're fine. We lost power briefly but we were fortunate, no damage. Looking at the news - others got hit much worse. To those who expressed their concern, thanks!

Rick Gelinas

Ades Gros

Re: stay away

September 6 2004, 6:24 PM 

Glad to hear you'll made it through without any damage. Hope to see you in Knoxville in a couple of days.

Ades Gros
Carpet Magic clean carpet

Current Topic - Frances is in the hood
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