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September 8 2004 at 8:52 AM
Brian Vanous  

Howdy guys, as I'm shrinking my hard floor business, if any of you are interested, I have a near new Pioneer Barracuda propane stripper for sale, 100 hrs. also a 28" Pioneer super buffer with a recently rebuilt engine.

Rick, you can delete this if its against your rules !



Rick Gelinas

Re: Equipment

September 8 2004, 3:53 PM 


The rules can be bent sometimes.

Gary Heacock listed a tie down he is selling. And Chris M listed his truckmount on here a while back too.

As a former hard core floor guy myself, I think I can let it slide. Man I don't miss doing lots of hard floors. I'm glad to hear that your tapering down that end of your business. I hope it works out for you. The floor care market has really gone to the dogs with all the MMM's. Quite honestly commercial carpet cleaning is not all that far behind. The MMM's are wrecking this market too.

I wish you success in selling those machines. Pioneer equipment is what I used when I was doing lots of floor care. It's excellent stuff.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 8, 2004 3:55 PM

Dave Bigler

Re: Equipment

September 8 2004, 4:43 PM 

I'm a stoopie. What's an MMM?

Dave Bigler
When It Comes to Cleaning - the BIGLER the BETTER!!!

Rhino Virus

MMM? A fat M and M?

September 8 2004, 5:19 PM 

Maintenance Management Mafia. A term coined by one of the gentleman on the hard floor board.


Rick Gelinas

Re: MMM? A fat M and M?

September 8 2004, 6:25 PM 

What's an MMM?

MMM is a designation that got started over on the floor care board.

It stands for Maintenance Management Mafia. These are the national contractors. The ones who handle the cleaning accounts for businesses throughout the country.

Why are they called MMM's? It's because they come in and operate just like the mafia. They control the market in an underhanded low balling way. They will push out the little guys - the mom and pop business owners. They don't really care about you the contractor. Extracting the maximum profit is their only objective. Most pay pathetically low prices. And many will drag out the payments. They will ask for the stars and pay you only a pittance for your labor. Worst of all, they will swallow up the cleaning market in your area. National contractors are not your friends. They're the equivalent of Guido, they're only here to break your legs.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Equipment
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS