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Trying encap on different things

September 10 2004 at 11:15 PM

Today I used Releasit on a area rug( looked like wool?) no tag multiple colors. I did'nt have my Cimex with so I just mixed some 50/50 sprayed on and then scrubbed with a small, stiff brush. It turned out great although I was thinking a grandi brush or something similar would work pretty good for something like this ? wadda ya think? any other suggestions for those times I don't have the Cimex with? Thanks for your help!


Re: Trying encap on different things

September 11 2004, 12:16 AM 

Tried it on my car interior - worked great
Tried it on my tennis shoes - worked great
Tried it on my office chair - worked great


Rick Gelinas


September 13 2004, 1:28 PM 

Releasit Encap-Clean is safe for colorfast wool. And it can clean a whole bunch of other stuff too...

For example, Releasit Encap-Clean came in handy at the spotting contest at Summerfest. Three teams used it to finish off some challenging green paint that they had been working on. The green paint was giving everybody a tough time. Each team had each used solvents to break down the paint first. But they were having some trouble completely emulsifying the resulting green paint goo. I'm standing there watching one team struggling with the green paint so I said, "hey try some Releasit on there". It worked! Then two other teams tried it. The green paint residue was removed 100% by all three of the teams who used it. Unfortunately I didn't have any Encap-Spot with me because that would have worked even better.

You'll have to ask Gary Heacock or Scott Rendal about the mustard stain on the 6.6 nylon. If I tell you, you're not gonna believe me.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 13, 2004 1:28 PM

Current Topic - Trying encap on different things
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS