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Question for Rick.

September 12 2004 at 2:07 PM

Good day to you all,

Living in Vancouver, Canada.I understand that here on the west coast and Florida are the worst locations for flea's. I was wondering about the Isopropyl alcohol in the Releasit product if there is enough percentage to kill off the eggs that are layed in the carpets.
Would be a great marketing tool.

Distributor of the Cimex/Releasit system.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Question for Rick.

September 12 2004, 3:54 PM 

I am no Encapman, but I would think that either way, you would want to go above and beyond encapsulation and scrubbing and do a thorough extraction if you have a problem as this.
Wouldnt you want it done to your establishment or residence.??
just a thought.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Rick Thode

Re: Question for Rick.

September 12 2004, 8:57 PM 

Hi Gilles

Rick G will definitely be the better one to answer this question, however, with the relatively low percentage of alcohol, I can't imagine that it would be able to kill fleas.

I do know thought that the 1st Enviro products have been know to kill alot of exoskelotal pest even thought they are totally organic. So, they probably would help you out there.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Re: Question for Rick.

September 12 2004, 9:15 PM 

If it was my house, I'd want a good HWE after treatment.

my couple of cents


Clay Carson

Re: Question for Rick.

September 13 2004, 9:10 AM 

Gilles -

Truth is, there's not enough alcohol to kill the little monsters.

Instead, they just get drunk.

So the family living in the house may get a few hours of relief the next day, cuz the flea dudes are too hung over to bite the humans much.

So while you can't accurately sell 'exterminating' can realistically offer 'fast temporary relief'!!!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Question for Rick.

September 13 2004, 1:09 PM 

The question has been aptly answered.
Well done boys.

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Question for Rick.

September 13 2004, 2:50 PM 

That was hilarious Clay!

Current Topic - Question for Rick.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS