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Florida Weather???

September 15 2004 at 9:28 PM

Stephen Dobson 

What is Ivan the 'terrible' doing to you florida cleaners.
I assume just some minor wind and rain... southern florida I am referring to. Not the handle. They are going to get alot more than you southern tanners'
Just curious


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: Florida Weather???

September 16 2004, 7:29 AM 

Ivan was to far West in the Gulf to affect any of central or south Florida, yet the panhandle is getting slammed. It's funny how a storm can change directions. This storm was originally pointed directly at the Tampa Bay area. And all we got were some light breezy conditions from it. Now we're waiting for the next one.

I was born in St Petersburg 44 years ago, and I've never seen anything like this season. A friend of mine who is a walking encyclopedia (you know; the kind you want on your team when you're playing Trivia Pursuit) told me something frightening. He said that Florida has been in a weather pattern for nearly 100 years that has effectively steered the bulk of the storms away from the state. However the pressure system that has been our invisible force field has been weakening since the mid 90's. Now Florida will be more vulnerable. Well I sure hope this theory is not accurate. Because if it's correct, Florida is going to become a messed up state in the upcoming years. We want our force field back!

We're hoping and praying for the safety of the folks in Ivan's path! Be safe.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 16, 2004 7:30 AM

Derek Beyer

Re: Florida Weather???

September 16 2004, 2:22 PM 

sign o the times i reckon

be safe --- Derek.

Current Topic - Florida Weather???
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