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Releasit Sample

September 16 2004 at 12:18 PM
Chuck Boggs  

Received the Realisit sample. Mixed, applied, and cleaned stairs. Absolutely beautiful. Rick, any of your products work on upholstrey? I am a newbie. Thanx

Derek Beyer

Re: Releasit Sample

September 16 2004, 2:20 PM 

hiyas Chuck, welcome aboard

Releasit Encap can be used on upholstery. for more information, click the Search button above and type in : UPHOLSTERY

quite a bit of info on it. if you are planning on getting into Encap'ing, i recommend going back to page 1 of this forum and read all the threads that you can.

take care --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit Sample

September 16 2004, 2:53 PM 

Hi Chuck,

Nice advice from Derek.

Releasit Encap-Clean works great on any fabric that is safe for water to touch. Cleaning upholstery with Releasit is becoming popular. Give it a shot. And if we can help you in any way just holler. Welcome aboard!

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Using REL on upholstery

September 16 2004, 3:10 PM 

I cannot speak for others, but I have used it successfully on some 30 or 40 upholstered pieces. Being a bit nervous with it at first, I tried it on some olefin, a chair, otto and sofa, figuring it's olefin, and you can't hardly hurt olefin with anything water based, and it turned out fine. The next several olefin furniture I tried it on, all turned out fine. Then a nylon sofa- same thing, then a cotton sofa, same results. Then with some more confidence, I used it on everything I run across, and I do a lot of furniture.

I also used it on my silk pillow and silk rug I use for a demo at Summerfest and Winterfest to show Releasit Encapsulating Detergent is OK on silk too.

One wool flannel sofa, and a bunch of wool rugs, both domestic and oriental- works fine, wool and other berbers too.

At the moment, I have a wool oriental and a acrylic rug in the shop I used it on, so I can pretty much say it works on everything.


Derek Beyer

Re: Using REL on upholstery

September 16 2004, 11:36 PM 

but Gary????????

i thought u were retired??? i guess we never really retire...

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Using REL on upholstery

September 17 2004, 12:44 AM 

Sounds great - What process do you use on upholstery?

You spray on?
Then what? Scrub?


Derek Beyer

Re: Using REL on upholstery

September 17 2004, 1:02 AM 

as i said above, "for more information, click the Search button above and type in : UPHOLSTERY

thanx and good fortune --- Derek.


Re: Using REL on upholstery

September 17 2004, 1:10 AM 

Gotcha - 1 muscle relaxer and a glass of wine distorts one vision


Chuck Boggs

Releasit Sample

September 17 2004, 9:00 AM 

Thanx to all for the info. I cleaned my love seat with the Releasit at about 50/50 mix with tepid water. Sprayed on, brushed in and toweled off. I couldnt believe the difference. I mean really! This love seat is like brand new. I am thoroughly impressed. Plus, It took me only about 45 minutes. Gotta order some Gallons of that Releasit. Whew!!!

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Releasit Sample

September 17 2004, 6:20 PM 


I suggest using Releasit Encapsulating Detergent at the regular dilution. Only in severe cases is the 50-50 needed.

I sprayed it on, agitated with the US Products furniture roto, but a folded towel will work too, if you don't have a machine.

Agitate with a soft brush, horsehair if you have one, or a dairy brush, or even a sponge dampened and well wrung out will work too.


Current Topic - Releasit Sample
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS