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Office partition cleaning

September 20 2004 at 1:13 PM


I wanted to thank you for the call you made Friday, to help me get this job done.
I used the washer as you suggested, but I changed it a little.
We ended up using a sprayer with a light mist, then using the washer on a pole ext. spray, scrub.
We also got a small hand held pad scrubber (white) and used that to scrub the end pieces, they were very dirty from hand prints.
The customer called today and said it looked great, how often does that happen in this business.
Nonetheless 2 people 4 hours (1/2 of that time prevac and fumbling around)$1260 billed;$984 profit.

Gotta love it!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Office partition cleaning

September 21 2004, 7:47 AM 


I'm glad to hear that it worked out for ya.

Keep up the good work Scott.

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Office partition cleaning

September 21 2004, 3:36 PM 

Hey Scott-

Now you know how easy this is, and what a good profit source this is, start advertising this service, and become a specialist!!



Re: Office partition cleaning

September 21 2004, 4:57 PM 

Beautiful idea!!!


Re: Office partition cleaning

September 21 2004, 7:21 PM 

Hi gang! I have been meaning to post this for a while after my office partition post a few weeks back. I cleaned about 150 lightly soiled panels - one outlet and a small bathroom sink on the 15 floor - one fuse blown and the party was over! - also had to keep them staged in a certain order. First I prevaced with a small Oreck hand hels like cray (this got rid of most of the soil). Then I sprayed with Encapclean and buffed with an auto orbital polisher with a Cimex pad attached - most panels came out great - the ones that had some problems (ink etc) I extracted. Great payday.

Current Topic - Office partition cleaning
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