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Jeanne is here

September 26 2004 at 11:22 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Doggone storms!
This is getting OLD.

Hurricane Jeanne is a Cat-1 hurricane as it's moving into our area right now. It's not too bad at this point. The strongest winds are coming from the North and West so we have those sides of our house boarded up. And we have a generator (although our power and cable is still on). We're ready to ride through another one. Central Florida has had the worst of these storms. It's like the hurricanes say "hey we're in Florida, let's go to Disney World". But the Tampa Bay area, where we're located, always seems to escape the worst of the hurricanes. However Jeanne will be passing directly over us. Yet we really can't complain about a weakening Cat-1 now can we?

BTW, Excellent-Supply is setup to withstand a storm to the extent possible. Here are some things we've done to keep up and running...

1) Our supplies are stored in two locations. And our manufacturing facility is at a third location.
2) Our web-server and on-line store is at a remote location.
3) We have an order processing call center that handles our overflow calls. They're located in Maine and will be able to take phone orders even if we are temporarily down.
4) We have a generator for back up power if it's needed.

We've tried to build in some redundancy so we'll hopefully be in a position to provide uninterrupted service, even in the event of a strong hurricane. I've done a lot of planning ahead for just such an occasion. We can't have you fellows running out of Releasit.

Well I just figured I'd put up a post before it gets any crazier. Take care!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 26, 2004 11:26 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Jeanne is here

September 26 2004, 12:35 PM 

Here's a shot of the weather in our area...

High Wind 104 mph

It's starting to getting breezy!

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Jeanne is here

September 26 2004, 7:47 PM 

Makes a person wonder what bait are you putting out to attract these hurricanes?

If you figure it out, then quit doing it!!


Derek Beyer

Re: Jeanne is here

September 27 2004, 12:22 AM 

hoping you and the fam stay safe Rick, keep us posted.

your Bro --- Derek.

Current Topic - Jeanne is here
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS