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Anyone Using Encap Traffic?

September 27 2004 at 12:51 AM
Derek Beyer  

i am not talking about HWE'ing. before you Cimex (or whatever tool you use to Encap with), does anyone use Encap Trafiic on a fairly regular basis? what kind of differences are you seeing? i haven't ever tried it.

i have a greasy restaurant that i am looking for something different on. i even had to resort to HWE'ing it once. the results are always the same, after 4-5 days it looks like poop. interestingly, it is only in 1 room that i have this problem. all other rooms have a deep red color that turn out great. this problemed room is a blue / gray commercial grade olephin. he had the same problem with other local CC'ers (one was Chemdry, the other was a HWE outfit, uses a TM, that has been in local business for a few decades...even sold him all his carpeting and installed it).

thanx for any help fellas --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Encap-Punch is the ticket

September 27 2004, 9:38 AM 

Hi Derek,

Yes Encap-Traffic may help you. But hold the phone...

Encap-Traffic and Encap-Rinse were good products. They were "good", but not great. They had very good crystallization qualities but they didn't have as much cleaning punch as was needed.

It's a tight-wire balancing performance, trying to get good crystallization and cleaning performance to work together in the same product. So I have continued to look at ways to improve the formula. Well I'm happy to say, we've succeeded!

We kept tweaking and reformulating testing batch after batch after batch. The effort paid off. We now have a new product that rocks! It is called Encap-Punch.

Encap-Punch has excellent crystallization properties. And it's cleaning abilities are strong too. This detergent is built with a new surfactant. I believe that its performance will impress you.

Encap-Punch will is a multi-purpose encap product. It serves three purposes as a 1) Traffic Lane Pre-spray, 2) a HWE Rinse Detergent, 3) and a Bonnet Cleaner. (Each at their respective dilution)

Encap-Punch has enough "punch" to hold its own with other pre-sprays and rinse products in the industry. It is low foaming, which is desirable for bonnet/pad cleaning. Its crystallizing properties are excellent. And it contains the Soileze fluoro-protector, and tea tree extract too.

Encap-Punch should be available within the next 10-14 days. It's in production now. I'll let you all know when it's ready.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Encap-Punch is the ticket

September 27 2004, 11:09 AM 

sounds good Rick

will this replace E-Traffic or any of the pther products?

thanx and please keep us posted --- Derek.

BTW, glad ya didnt blow away on us or anything


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap-Punch is the ticket

September 27 2004, 11:35 AM 

Encap-Punch will replace Encap-Traffic and Encap-Rinse. This simplifies things as well. Simple is good.

Thanks for inquiring about the huuricane. Jeanne was only a Cat-1 when it passed over us. Lost power for a few hours. Aside from that it wasn't too bad for most of our area.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 28, 2004 9:25 PM

Mark Stanley

Re: Encap-Punch is the ticket

September 27 2004, 3:55 PM 

Put me down for a case of Encap-Punch as soon as its ready! Perfect timing!

Current Topic - Anyone Using Encap Traffic?
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