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September 27 2004 at 12:53 AM
Derek Beyer  

who here Encap cleans restaurant(s) on a fairly frequent basis? and how would you rate the outcome versus HWE (if that's what you used to do), better or same?

thanx --- Derek.

Mark Stanley

Re: Restaurants

September 27 2004, 4:05 PM 

I personally haven't but Ray Moody has. He told me he has several that clean up great with the Cimex. The only thing is...... He doesn't use ReleasIt for these grease pits. He Cimexes them with DynaChem's Encapsulate Cleaner.

DynaChem's juice is great stuff but it doesn't leave a crystalline film to post vac. Ray says these restaurants stay looking great in between cleanings. I believe him but I just can't see how since the soil isn't trapped in a crystal like with ReleasIt.

Anyways..... I'll bet the new Encap-Punch would be a great product to Cimex restaurants with. I hope I never find out. I hate cleaning restaurants!!!


Stephen Dobson

Re: Restaurants

September 27 2004, 9:49 PM 

I do 5 or 6 on a monthly basis.
they arent greasy restaurants though persay'
I get great results.
I see much better results with encapping in the traffic lanes that were always 'dingy' with HWE>
that is where the cimex comes into play with encap.
what a scrubbing tank.
I personally haven't done any 'greasy' type restaurants like a mexican one, but would probably HWE that and post bonnet.
of course, using the cimex for agitation. I remember Rick telling me that it wasnt ideal for greasy stores, but that people were getting good results. better to under promise and over deliver.
I will get to one someday and let you know.
I am starting to hit more commercials but want to really stay away from eating establishments, going more for the typical commercials, Doctors, banquet facilities, etc.
Just a thought.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: Restaurants

September 28 2004, 9:19 PM 

Although I don't make a practice of recommending encap for restaurants, my cleaning company maintains 3 high traffic "all you can eat" restaurant buffets each month using the Cimex and Releasit. These carpets have only been cleaned with this method going on three years now and the carpets look great. Zero complaints.

BTW I don't recommend cleaning restaurants because as soon as I do somebody is going to take it into a dive with a half inch of grease caked on the carpet and say that it doesn't work. However Releasit will work extremely well in moderately oily situations.

And as a side note, in side by side testing with the "encap" product that doesn't crystallize that Derek mentioned above there is a night and day difference in the way that Releasit removes oil from the carpet. I know I may be biased but this is not an exaggeration. In fact you can test this for yourself. Take some carpet samples. Wet them out with cooking oil and a soft drink like Mountain Dew. Now apply equal amounts of potting soil. Dry the samples THOROUGHLY. Vacuum out the dry soil. Mix the products that you want to compare. Scrub the carpet equally. Dry the samples THOROUGHLY again. Post vacuum the samples. Then have your wife or another unbiased person choose which sample looks cleanest. Now apply more dry soil to the samples and vacuum them one more time. Compare the carpet samples again. Press a dry paper towel into the center of the sample with your thumb to see if any oil transfers to the paper towel. This is a simple way to see how well an encap product can remove common soils such as - dirt, sugar based deposits, and oil based deposits.

Rick Gelinas
<MIG border="0" src="" width="96" height="22" alt="ENCAPSULATION - How It Works">


Chineese Restaurants

September 30 2004, 4:06 AM 

Has anyone cleaned any chineese restaurants with better results than HWE and what chemiclas did you use?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Chineese Restaurants

September 30 2004, 6:07 PM 

Although going after HEAVY GREASE with encapsulation is not generally recommended - it has been done.

As seen here, Releasit has some solid soil busting abilites...

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Restaurants
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS