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gum and encapping

September 27 2004 at 5:10 PM
doug payne  

ok so how do you handle gum??? i tried using some citri solve and it made it bleed kinda...ummm made it swirl out i guess youd say..


Re: gum and encapping

September 27 2004, 5:15 PM 

Try the spray that will freeze the gum.

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care


Re: gum and encapping

September 27 2004, 5:32 PM 

i thought about do it while i was prevacing??? that way i can vac up the gum pieces


Stephen Dobson

Re: gum and encapping

September 27 2004, 9:44 PM 

carry a tube of citrul gel, break it up and apply.
or you can carry 'freez' spray and go that route.
when finished with the gel, i normally tamp it with a white towell
, absorb most into it and then encap as normal over it.
always works good.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: gum and encapping

September 28 2004, 4:25 AM 

If you use the freeze spray, be careful about a waiting time before you vacuum. The spray has propane in it. Have been told it can start a fire in the vacuum. Urban legend?

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care


Re: gum and encapping

September 28 2004, 9:50 AM 

Best I've found is citris gel from Core

I get from a TM supplier. I vacuum, then do gum , than encap. seems to work good. a little extra spray on gum spots seems to get rid any residue. I don't like the freezy stuff.



Rick Gelinas

Re: gum and encapping

September 28 2004, 8:59 PM 

We do a quick and simple two step process.

1. We freeze the spot with freeze spray and chip off the top.

2. We put a tiny dab of citrus gel on the spot to remove the sticky residue that's down in the fiber. The spot can be wiped with a towel if you use much citrus gel.

Then we encap like normal with the Cimex and Releasit. Gone!

This process takes about 30 seconds per gum spot.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 28, 2004 9:25 PM

Current Topic - gum and encapping
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS