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urine & odor

October 1 2004 at 10:52 AM

I have a customer that has a 100% wool Momeni area rug. She has urine stains & odor. She is more concerned about the odor, but of course she would like both out. She said that she had Chemdry come in clean the rug only to have the stain & odor to return. Anyone with a suggestion how to approach?


Re: urine & odor

October 1 2004, 11:39 AM 

I'd say that would need to be submerged in a wash tank. I have washed a few on a tarp with a hose to soak and than exstract several times.



Re: urine & odor

October 1 2004, 11:45 AM 

thanks for advise


Kevin Pearson

Re: urine & odor

October 1 2004, 12:39 PM 

When I get rugs like that I wend them out to be done. I have a rug company that will dust them and submerge them. See if you can work out a deal with a company like that. They charge me half of their normal rate and I still get to make the other half. Also, when the urine is flushed out of the rug, sometimes it can fade the color in that area so be careful if you try it yourself. Make sure the customer signs a release form pointing out the problem areas. If you need more info let me know.

Kevin Pearson


Re: urine & odor

October 1 2004, 1:02 PM 

good points, I guess I should have said the ones I've done that way were freebies for friends to try it out. I wasn't gonna be out anything if it failed.



just the stains & odor

October 2 2004, 1:11 PM 

She just wants yhe , I think its 3 stains out because she recently had it cleaned.


Rick Gelinas

Re: just the stains & odor

October 3 2004, 9:54 AM 

Regardless of whichever method you choose to clean the rug also get some Tea Tree oil from the health food store. Apply it at a rate of 20 drops per gallon, either in your detergent or as an after-treatment. If you are using it as an after-treatment, add two ounces of alcohol to disperse the tea tree oil. Tea tree is an anti-microbial. It is highly effective. Use it at this dilution and the odor and its source will be gone. Best of all it's completely safe for the fiber, and it's safe for you to work with. Give it a try, you'll be impressed. This is the secret to the odor killing property of Encap-Spot spotter.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 3, 2004 9:55 AM

Gary R. Heacock

Re: just the stains & odor

October 6 2004, 4:26 AM 

Cleaning the surface is only half of the job. It needs to be done in your garage, or somewhere you can do the back, then the face, then hang it preferrably, or dry flat if you cannot hang it.

The urine will collect in the backing, that's why doing the face is incomplete.

I have had good success with wool, nylon, and olefin rugs with pet urine in them using Releasit Encapsulating Detergent as a cleaner. But ya gotta do both sides.


Current Topic - urine & odor
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS