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Red Vanish

October 6 2004 at 11:31 AM

i bought this recently and personally haven't found it to work on a red kool-aid type stain yet. of course the stains i'm putting it on could have had other chemicals added to it before i did, but even still, the odor knocks you off your feet if you use a lot of it (ammonia).

anyone else use this? what is your feelings on it?


Kevin Pearson

Re: Red Vanish

October 6 2004, 12:00 PM 

Never used that product but I can tell you that we do use Pro's Choice Red Relief. This is a two part product that you mix together and then we use a wallpaper steamer for the heat and this seems to work out very well. We can remove most red stains. The ones we have not been able to remove have been treated by the homeowner before we got to it. Also, you do have to be careful as to how long you leave the heat on because in some circumstances we have removed some color. As long as you go slow then it is OK.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Red Vanish

October 6 2004, 1:25 PM 

yeah, i've used red relief for many years, i thought i'd try this one (since it was much cheaper), but i ain'ts so happy with it so far.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Red Vanish

October 6 2004, 2:59 PM 

I hope for your sake that you did not buy alot of it. Good Luck.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Red Vanish

October 6 2004, 3:01 PM 

it comes in a gallon ($35.00).


Kevin Pearson

Re: Red Vanish

October 6 2004, 3:05 PM 

Have you called the manufacturer and complained? They might give you some credit towards another product or tell you how best to use it.

Kevin Pearson


Stephen Dobson

Re: Red Vanish

October 6 2004, 10:38 PM 

Hey FH,
yes, I saw first hand Red Vanish work on kool aid, on what I believe was cutpile nylon at Summerfest. Steve Smith makes it, and did the experiment. along with alot of us cleaners I might add.
it performed well.
could be they put alot of stuff on it prior.
also, at SF, he had the koolaid mixex 6x the strength of normally drinkable mix.
But you never know with predetermined experiments.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Red Vanish

October 7 2004, 2:32 PM 

I also saw Steve Smith work on red stains at Summerfest, he only applied a small amount to the red stains he was working on, slightly agitated, then put a steamer on it, and the red stains were gone in a few seconds. There were about 2 to 4 inches in diameter.

Very impressive. BUT- of course the customer had not applied everything under the sink first. That does have a bearing on whether a stain comes right out or not.


John Geurkink

Red Vanish

October 18 2004, 2:50 PM 

We have tried Red Vanish on virtually every red stain we have been able to find, we have yet to find one it would NOT take out, we have tested it against Red Relief, Red Dye Remover, Food Dye Remover, Cobbs, and we have yet to fail the test. Usually I use NO heat with it at all, only in a few circumstance have we even used the steamer to get the stain out.

Current Topic - Red Vanish
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