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Cimex Bonnet question

October 6 2004 at 12:52 PM
Derek Beyer  

when Bonneting with your Cimex, do the cotton bonnets fit over the pad driver or over a FP pad? i am thinking over a FP pad so as not to detroy the pad driver but i wanted to be sure.

also, are they thick enough to be turned over and use the other side, or are the pretty used up just on 1 side?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Cimex Bonnet question

October 6 2004, 2:42 PM 

Hey Derek,

I have some of the cotton bonnets. When I tried to pull them off the pad drivers it would pull the little grippers off the drivers. I didn't try to put them under a fiber pad. The bonnets are kind of thin.

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care


Re: Cimex Bonnet question

October 6 2004, 4:29 PM 

We had some 8 inch bonnet mits { originally made to fit over your hand to hand clean upholstery] split them in half and viola we had two pads, did this with another bonnet mit and we had enough to fit on the Cimex pad drivers, just like you would with fiberplus pads and went cleaning, they even have the green stripes just like the larger bonnet pads, got thousands and thousands of sq. ft per set. If they get too dirty while on the job real easy to take to a sink and rinse them out and hand wring dry enough to put back on the Cimex and continue working.
Not as aggressive as fiberplus pads but excellant on a lot of our carpet maintenance contracts.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex Bonnet question

October 6 2004, 5:53 PM 


The bonnets attach directly to the pad drivers.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

hey Rick ?

October 8 2004, 1:00 AM 

what are your 8" bonnets made of?

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: hey Rick ?

October 8 2004, 2:00 PM 

They contain a polyester/nylon blend. These bonnets have a very soft texture to them. They're shrink-free, durable, and absorbent. They're perfect for adding some absorption cleaning to your Cimex. And at $65 per dozen bonnets, they're cheap to buy.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Cimex Bonnet question
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