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Ice Melt Browning help needed

October 6 2004 at 2:13 PM
Derek Beyer  

ok i have searched this here and at ICS. i am STILL coming across ice melt browning from LAST season, it is everywhere around here from the more-than-usual snow accumulations (sp) we had last winter.

i have some of mr. Cobb's reducing agent (powder form) that he recommended i try but still havent. does anyone think it will help? how should i mix it in with my Encap solution? or should i mix it up with water and prespray with my pump-up sprayer and let dwell before Encap'ing it?

i know i know, vac like crazy. but that doenst cut it, not even close with the amount of residues i am seeing. i have Encap'ed several accounts and while the browning looks a LOT better, it comes slightly back. frequent cleanings do help, but that isnt a practical answer.

maybe mix the reducing agent or some acid rinse type of product in with my Releasit??

thanx for any help --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Ice Melt Browning help needed

October 6 2004, 3:03 PM 

Hey Derek,

It's your old buddy here. Can't help you on this one I live outside of Houston Texas and it only got below freezing once or twice last year. I will be interested in learning what you find out though.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: Ice Melt Browning help needed

October 6 2004, 5:56 PM 

In extreme cases of intense browning conditions a little citric acid or a reducing agent will help to correct the problem. You can add a tablespoon of citric acid powder directly to your Releasit and then clean slowly making extra dry passes.

Hope this helps.
Like Kevin - we don't know what snow is

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Ice Melt Browning help needed

October 7 2004, 1:15 AM 

well arent you both just special!

thanx for the info Rick, i will try it!

take care --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Ice Melt Browning help needed

October 7 2004, 2:25 PM 

I don't know if ice melt browning is different from any other browning on carpets from water based sources, but I have had good luck on browning from varying sources using Bi-O-Kleen products Bac-Out. Spray it on, agitate, let dwell some 5 minutes or so, then rinse it out.

I have found Bac-Out does NOT mix with Releasit Encapsulating Detergent, so the Bac-Out would have to be used either with a HWE system or bonneted with BOK's Bonnet Cleaner, or some other neutral pH bonnet cleaner.


Current Topic - Ice Melt Browning help needed
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS