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Restaraunt Tile

October 7 2004 at 10:49 AM
Tom McQuigge  

I have been asked to clean some tile in 7 Pizza Huts I maintain carpet in. Can this be done with just a cimex and a wet vac? Can you recommend the right chemical and process to use...


Stephen Dobson

Re: Restaraunt Tile

October 7 2004, 4:11 PM 

yes it can. Rick will have to tell you what brushed to use for agitation.
there are better methods to do it though.
I would use Stonetech products.
also check out john Rupichs tile and grout forum.

alot of tile and grout info, to include equipment, chems.etc.
not that folks on here wont/can't answer, that is just a specialty forum that deals in exactly what you asked about.
hope it helps. good luck

do you have a TM.
if so, a turbo tool would do wonders for power rinsing after prescrubbing withyour cimex, etc.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: Restaraunt Tile

October 8 2004, 12:13 AM 

We use oxyblaster

for several months - workd GREAT at a fraction of the cost.

We are using a portable with the turbo. Your best friend will be dwell time.

Let us know how it turns out



Stephen Dobson

Re: Restaraunt Tile

October 8 2004, 1:06 AM 

very true Bruce.. Dwell time and agitation. Can't beat the 2 way punch when cleaning. Esp on tile and grout.
Oxyblaste is good. I didnt mention that. def. more affordable than the Stonetech Pro too if I remember correctly.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: Restaraunt Tile

October 8 2004, 1:47 PM 

Here's a link to an article that I wrote for Cleanfax Magazine on this topic back in April.

BTW, The article obviously could not include brand names of equipment, but as you all know my experience mainly relates to using a Cimex, so that's what I was referring to - and what works best.

The brushes you'll need for your Cimex are the 4805 brushes. They sell for $180 per set. And any good brand of degreaser will work on your restaurant floors. You can even purchase SC Johnson's Degreaser right at Lowe's in the cleaning section.

If you still need more help, feel free to contact me.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 8, 2004 5:25 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 8, 2004 5:23 PM

Clay Carson

Cimex brushes on tile

October 9 2004, 11:44 PM 

Guys, I got these brushes Rick is talking about. Wow!

Talk about scrubbing! Poor tiles never knew what hit them!

We had been using our GLS with green brush to scrub ceramic, but when we tried the Cimex brushes, it did an excellent job. My guy did not want to use anything else after he tried them.

I still use the GLS for stairs, or the job on 3rd floor with no elevator, but the Cimex is simply the tougher animal if you are going to do tile and grout work. You actually have to be careful to make sure the grout can handle it. If it's loose or wobbly, it may come loose with vigorous scrubbing. So make sure you tell the client that ahead of time. Better yet, they sign off on an 'advisory form' before you begin that says: "Not responsible for loose, cracked, or damaged grout"

Also works good for stripping vinyl floor, which we can't always avoid.

We used it last weekend to buff a hardwood floor in an office. Came out nice, used a white champagne pad.

Highly recommend John Rupich's board...worth learning from.

Current Topic - Restaraunt Tile
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