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Blueberry Artwork & Encap-Spot

October 9 2004 at 2:29 PM

Rick Gelinas  

My wife Nancy made a real nice fruit salad earlier in the week. It had a variety of fresh fruits including blueberries. Well I was just sitting here at my desk with the Tupperware container of fruit, polishing off the last of it a few minutes ago. Now the fruit was starting to get right at that point where it was getting a little bit soft, but it was still fresh enough to eat. And the juice that had settled in the container was dark blue/purple from the blueberries.

Well low and behold, I knocked the container off of my desk. Fruit flew everywhere. And the blueberry juice made an interesting splatter design on the carpet. I was a kid back in the 60's, so I was tempted to leave it there and just call the dark splotch "modern art". It looked kind of like something Peter Max might have produced.

But then knowing how my wife doesn't really care for modern art, I figured I'd better run downstairs and grab our handy bottle of Encap-Spot that we use around the house along with an old towel. And that's what I did. A couple of minutes later the blueberry artwork was no more.

So here's our new slogan for Encap-Spot:
Encap-Spot... Great for carpet spots, bad for modern art.
Whaddya think?

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Blueberry Artwork & Encap-Spot
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