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October 10 2004 at 10:02 PM

Rick Gelinas  

It's finally here!

We have been working on this product for months. I've spent more time and effort with Encap-Punch than any other product trying to achieve the right balance. Well the effort has paid off and I think you're gonna be blown away with what we've developed!

As you know, we've had two HWE products - Encap-Traffic & Encap-Rinse. They each had very good crystallizing properties. And they had pretty good cleaning properties. Pretty good, but not great. Our attempts to get horsepower out of the cleaning performance were hampered by trying to maintain a balance with good crystallization.

Well that just wasn't good enough. So I went back to our chemist and pleaded. And my chemist proceeded to mix me up sample after sample after sample. I wasn't quite satisfied with any of them. Batch after batch, it seemed like I was asking for the impossible. And then finally our chemist stumbled across the answer. He found a new low-foaming surfactant that would work in conjunction with our crystallizing polymer. Finally, we had what I was looking for. Encap-Punch was born, and this baby has "PUNCH".

Encap-Punch has got a nice balance of cleaning power, along with perfect crystallization. And it still contains our Soileze fluoro-protector and tea tree extract too.

As we worked with the formulation, I was originally looking to replace the two original products, but as I talked with the chemist I learned that this new chemistry could accomplish both tasks. Cool! In other words one product could be used as a Traffic lane Cleaner and a HWE Rinse Detergent at their respective dilutions. In fact we even went further and saw that it could also work well as a bonnet/pad cleaner too. So we now have a 3 in 1 product.

Encap Punch can now be ordered from our website... The price is $85 for 4 gallons with free shipping. I think you're going to be impressed.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 11, 2004 12:03 AM


Stephen Dobson


October 10 2004, 10:42 PM 

I was just replying to an email and talking about your new chem coming out, then turned to this forum and presto,, it IS ready. good timing.
when I call and get my next order of releasit, I will check out a gallon and give it a shot.
I look forward to using some.

Congrats on your new babe'


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas


October 11 2004, 5:21 PM 

Encap-Punch dries to a phenomenal crystal.

Check it out...

Rick Gelinas


Jay Schonts


October 11 2004, 7:56 PM 

Can't wait to try it!

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS