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Cimex Maintenance - Re: FLOW

October 11 2004 at 2:14 PM

Rick Gelinas 

There isn't much maintenance that's required with a Cimex, but there is one thing that will need periodic attention.

The plumbing ductwork in the Cimex can get clogged over time. This will result in uneven flow from the 3 cleaning heads. And you may find that your FiberPlus pads will wear unevenly since one or more of the pads is not being lubricated properly.

The fix is simple! I've put together an instruction sheet that explains the steps to take to clear your machine's plumbing. You can download the PDF file here...

Rick Gelinas


Re: Cimex Maintenance - Re: FLOW

October 11 2004, 2:50 PM 

I had trouble at first using my swing machine for encapping, the releasit broke up all the chunks that had stuck to the inside of the tank and hose from years of stripping floors, and plugged it. Now my tank looks brand new inside and no problems. Also had a bit of problems as it cleaned the cord off too as it slid around on the carpet. Now I have one I use for carpet, and one for hard floors.


Derek Beyer

extremely timely info Rick.

October 11 2004, 3:26 PM 

i have been thinking about this lately and i wasnt sure where to begin.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Cimex Maintenance - Re: FLOW

October 12 2004, 9:05 PM 

i did this today Rick (at your suggestion), everything was a ok. thanks for the heads up though.

Derek Beyer

Re: Cimex Maintenance - Re: FLOW

October 12 2004, 11:51 PM 

i did it also today, was a snap. mine definitely had some gunk in them. also, i cleaned out the filter and inside of the solution tank for the 1st time....whatta mess that was, i waited a few months too long. the missus had to stick her hand in there and clean it and grab the filter...glad she's got skinny arms hehe

ran it for a test-drive tonite on a small job and WOW was there a difference! alot more solution was coming out. it was like the 1st day i used her, i had to be careful not to use too much solution. cleaning results were improved and the enrire job went faster due to more solution coming out and me not having to walk so slow as i had been doing for the last few months. i definitely waited too long to do this.

thanx for the advice and yes i'm a procrastinater (sp) --- Derek.

Current Topic - Cimex Maintenance - Re: FLOW
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS