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Vacuum Storage Necessary?

October 13 2004 at 12:03 PM
Derek Beyer  

similar to the Cimex winterizing question below. is it bad for a vacuum to sit in the van on well-below-freezing nights? could any type of moisture get into the electrical system? i was thinking maybe, but then heck it sits in there throughout the other 3 seasons and never any problems.

(here is a question that Rick must have experience with ....RAIN )

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Vacuum Storage Necessary?

October 13 2004, 12:38 PM 

We have one van that we use for construction cleans that sits out all winter with equipment in it. The only problem we have is with stuff sweating as it warms up. Usually we start the van a while before we go and let it run when its really cold to warm stuff up. Takes a while to thaw a bottle of windex we have discovered.
vacuums, swing machine, etc never had any problems with though.
Does Relieseit Freeze? will it hurt it to freeze/thaw?



Kevin Pearson

Re: Vacuum Storage Necessary?

October 13 2004, 5:38 PM 

Brian that is a good question on the releasit freezing and thawing. It does hurt some of our chemicals to freeze and thaw. I order some of mine chemicals from butler and last winter I order some stuff that was completely frozen when it got here. Do not know how that happened since it was in the 70's here. I had to get some more shipped in because it was ruined.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: Vacuum Storage Necessary?

October 13 2004, 6:15 PM 

We've run RELEASIT Encap-Clean through 2 complete freeze thaw cycles and it did not damage the product at all. So we can say yes it is freeze/thaw stable. But it's too special to leave in a cold lonely van all night so I'd suggest bringing it inside and sleeping with it under your pillow. Take 2 Advil in the morning for your neck.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Vacuum Storage Necessary?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS