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Black connector for dispensing tube on Cimex

October 18 2004 at 3:00 PM
Bo Newman  

Last month Kevin Pearson broke this black connector. There was some discussion on how to fix it. Well, here's mine.
To start with I couldn't figure out why I broke it. Then it came to me. I was dragging the Cimex over the edge of the truck door sill right at that point. Dumb!
I had a job to do and I wanted the Cimex to do it. So I went to the hardware store, got a piece of fairly rigid 3/8" O.D. tubing, l' long (15 cents), took off the broken black connector,(no need to dismantle anything. Don't believe me? Just do it), and put the fairly rigid plastic
tubing between the two soft pieces of dispensing tubing. The
fairly rigid tubing goes through the hole in the yellow shield and bends enough to act as an elbow.
Hint - don't cut the fairly rigid tubing until you've got the short flexible tubing attached onto the dispensing head. Using the rigid tubing in the right way will help to attach the flexible tubing.
After I got the tubing from the store, the rest of the job took ten minutes. If I had to do it again, I could probably get it down to five minutes since I now know how to do it.
Will I order the correct fitting. Probably not. It looks like this one will do just fine and I've still got ten inches of tubing left over, if I have to do it again.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Black connector for dispensing tube on Cimex

October 18 2004, 4:16 PM 

Bo thank for sharing that tip! That's exactly what we do with our machines too. My guys are clumsy with the equipment so I've had to fix a couple of our own machines the same way and it works like a charm!

BTW Here's another way to accommodate the tube that you'll need...

Just take the tube from one of your trigger sprayers and cut off an inch of the tube. The tube will be used to join the the two plastic pieces. Now simply shove the little piece of the squirt bottle tube into the black plastic that's in the top of the machine and inside the rubber tubing. Good as new!

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Black connector for dispensing tube on Cimex

October 18 2004, 4:38 PM 


I had mine rigged like that for a while also. I guess I am too picky and it bugged the snot out of me that it was not perfect. This is why I fixed it. My employees were making fun of me because they thought it was fine, after I fixed it we realized that we were getting a little more chemical flow to the pads, so that made me feel better that I had insisted on fixing it. Thanks for the info, though.

Kevin Pearson

Bo Newman

Re; black connector

October 18 2004, 5:39 PM 

Kevin -

It's interesting that you got less chemical feed with your fix because my experience was just the opposite - I got more. I noticed it right away and figured that the black connector that I had taken off and dispensed with must have been at least partially clogged up.
I just disposed of the black connector because it was damaged too much to use in any way.
So, it could be that, if anyone is having solution feed problems, and you've checked everything else, you might want to check the black connector to see if it's plugged up in some way. Because of the sharp right angle, solution may be finding a place to gradually build up a blockage.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Re; black connector

October 18 2004, 5:48 PM 


You're right the little black piece does seem to get clogged up. It seems like the Releasit will dry in there and a bunch of crystals will build up at the elbow. I think why I got less chemical was due to the fact that I put a piece of tubing inside the broken off black piece and this cut down the inside diameter of the hose, and thus less flow at this point. So when I fixed the machine it seemed to flow like it did before I broke the piece. I was the one that broke the piece too and so it made me mad that I had to rig a machine that was only five or six months old.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Black connector for dispensing tube on Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS