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Encap Punch dilution ratio

October 18 2004 at 4:52 PM

Kevin Pearson  


I own a Butler that I use on my residential jobs and have been using the Encap-Punch for a day or two now. I really like it, but I am not sure that I am mixing it correctly for my rinse. I says on the jug to mix a quart for five gallons. My butler pulls 2 oz. of concentrate through the metering valve. How do I mix for this scenario?

Also, we got the Encap-spot and I love it. The only thing is that the flip lid you have on there allows too much to come out, in my opinion. We took a trigger sprayer and put it on the bottle and spray it out on the spots. Is there any downfall to doing it this way? Are did you go with the flip top lid so that you could get it in a smaller box for shipping?

The two products are great though.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Encap Punch dilution ratio

October 18 2004, 8:11 PM 

I haven't used the product yet but with the dilutions it gives and if your butler has a cc metering valve and not a gph metering valve, I would say you would put the concentrated bottle undiluted onto your draw tube and meter as normal.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap Punch dilution ratio

October 18 2004, 8:26 PM 

As you know, Butler has their own chemical metering system designed to work with their ultra concentrated juice. So using another product through the Butler can be tricky (I guess they want to sell you their chems). So it leaves a bit of a guessing game when you want to meter someone elses detergent through your Butler. You could go ahead and use the Encap-Punch and play with the dilutions till you get what works for you. Or you might consider changing out your metering system to a standard GPF meter. You might even contact Butler to see if they have an off the shelf kit that will allow you to accept a more standardized metering system.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Encap Punch dilution ratio

October 19 2004, 1:47 AM 

i put a trigger sprayer on my Encap Spot bottles also, appears to be just as effective and tad bit more economical.

thanx --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Encap Punch dilution ratio

October 19 2004, 11:10 AM 

I appreciate the information on the metering, but I am still wondering if my Butler on picks up 2 ounces of concetrate per five gallons then how effective will the Encap-Punch be. Because on the directions you are supposed to mix it one quart to five gallons. So is the only thing I am missing out on is the extra encapsulation qualities? Derek I thought the same thing about it being economical, but do not tell Rick that we will be buying it less. lol

Kevin Pearson

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Oct 19, 2004 11:56 AM

Current Topic - Encap Punch dilution ratio
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