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October 18 2004 at 11:34 PM

I am going to take possession of a new cimex this week. I am still trying to figure out a pricing structure for commercial work. Any suggestions such as a percentage of hwe?

Each market is different so I do not expect actual prices to mean to much but they may give me ideas as where to start. Thanks

Ken Martin


Rick Gelinas

Re: pricing

October 18 2004, 11:48 PM 


10 cents per square foot is the national average for commercial carpet cleaning - in fact that rate has remained unchanged for over 20 years. YIKES! (That's why a faster system such as the Cimex/Releasit System is essential).

So here's how we bid. We go in at 10 cents. And then we slide the rate ever so gradually up or down depending upon the size of the job, frequency of service, the level of soiling, and the logistics. I have acquired less desirable accounts as high as 27 cents per sq ft, and I've acquired promising choice large accounts for as low as 7 cents per sq ft.

Therefore even on a very large job that we might bid at 8.5 cents per sq ft will generate $170 - $255 per hour as we clean at 2,000-3,000 sq ft per hour. And I didn't even go to medical school.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: pricing

October 19 2004, 1:43 AM 

yet another timely thread for me

i know the target area to charge, but i like to hear it again from others what they charge....nothin worse than under-pricing yourself, then kicking yourself after the fact.

thanx for the tips Rick --- Derek.

BTW, i will say i price in the same ballpark as Rick, as it depends on the job and how badly i want it.


Stephen Dobson

Re: pricing

October 19 2004, 12:13 PM 

yep, the good thing about encapping with a cimex esp, is the productivity rate and it really allows you to expand the parameters on pricing to fit if you really need the job, etc.
I am normally about .15 cents, have been over .20. I try to sell 'clean' and not method.
but there is one acct that is .10 and makes me the same profit rate. it just goes so fast. They love the quick dry times.
so the sky is the limit.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Current Topic - pricing
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS