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Problems Problems Problems

October 19 2004 at 4:33 PM

Rick Gelinas  

It's becoming increasingly apparent that we are really messing up people's lives.

I got a call from a cleaner today who was ordering several cases of Releasit. He told me that back when he ordered his Cimex he was really concerned about how he was going to be able to afford the machine. Now he says his only problem is finding enough help to get all the work done.

And then on the message board today I see that others too are having their lives ruined with these various cleaning sundries...

Bar-B-Q sauce and Oriental rug - Kevin Pearson on Oct 19, 2004, 1:49 PM

The only problem is we told the customer that it might take us a while and so we scheduled to deliver her rug next week and clean the carpet in her house at the same time. She wanted it done sooner but it has only been an hour and a half since we left her house. I feel like if I call her now and tell her the stain is gone and we could clean the carpet tomorrow that she would think it was so easy that I should not have to charge her $2.00 per s.f. on the rug. Anyway good problems to have.

Rick, I have a problem! - Thomas Meyer on Oct 19, 2004, 11:48 AM

I received the Hoover Conquest vacuum yesterday after finally breaking down and buying one. I tested it on my own carpet and couldn't believe what it was sucking out of it, sand, grit ETC. The problem is my wife wants one now! That's one heck of a vacuum. Thanks Rick.

So I guess I'm gonna have to apologize for contributing to the demise of so many cleaner's lives.


Rick Gelinas


Re: Problems Problems Problems

October 19 2004, 4:43 PM 

I bought a vacuum cleaner from you about seven months ago, it is amazing.
Thanks for everything Rick.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Problems Problems Problems

October 19 2004, 4:50 PM 

I don't know what else to say but apology accepted.

BTW Rick he is my next problem. I appreciate the information on the metering, but I am still wondering if my Butler on picks up 2 ounces of concetrate per five gallons then how effective will the Encap-Punch be. Because on the directions you are supposed to mix it one quart to five gallons. So is the only thing I am missing out on is the extra encapsulation qualities? Right now I am having good results but do not know if they can be better if I tweek something. Thanks.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: Problems Problems Problems

October 19 2004, 5:13 PM 

I really don't know what more to say about your Butler setup. In a HWE rinse application you're not going to be leaving behind that much crystallizing polymer anyway. So if you're getting good cleaning performance at the lower dilution then I'd say go ahead and run with it. The fluid that will be left in the carpet will still be able to dry brittle. And that's ultimately what we really want to achieve. Consider this, if you're using Encap-Punch as a pre-spray and then you're rinsing it - you'll invariably be leaving behind a fair amount of Encap-Punch in the carpet. Keep in mind that as you rinse using any brand of pre-spray you're actually diluting the concentrated pre-spray at a rate of a couple of gallons per minute, and then you're recovering the dilution via your vac hose. Therefore a fair amount of the chemical will naturally be left behind in the carpet. So unless you're able to tweak your Butler I'd say just work with it like you are. And BTW I'm glad to hear that it's performing well for you (even at a lower than standard dilution rate). Another nice problem to have.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 19, 2004 5:31 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 19, 2004 5:16 PM


Kevin Pearson

Re: Problems Problems Problems

October 19 2004, 5:26 PM 

Thanks Rick sometimes I'm a little slow so I appreciate the reexplanation. I am also glad that you did not get an answering service to respond to the message board. LOL

Kevin Pearson

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Oct 19, 2004 5:40 PM

Current Topic - Problems Problems Problems
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS