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One of my all - time nasty jobs

October 20 2004 at 4:28 PM

Kevin Pearson  

Today we went out to a vacant house in the country to clean some carpet. I usually do a free inspection and then go back and clean the carpet, but this guy just called and said come do the work. When we drove up we thought we were at an abandoned house, and it turned out to be close to the truth. The drive way used to be concrete but was grown over with weeds and several dumpsters would not hold all the trash that was out in the yard. We walked in with the owner and had to flip on the electricity at the breaker box. We then measured out 1222 square feet to be cleaned. Before we could vacuum we had to take a push broom and remove the dog terds off of the carpet. We also were being nosy and went down to the basement (the only house in Texas that I know of that has a basement). The owner told us that the basement was 1200 square feet also but it had 5 feet of water in it. I could go on but you probably get the idea, this house had quite a bit of problems more important than cleaning the carpet. Anyway the guy wanted it done so we pre-sprayed with Encap-Punch and went to town with our Butler. (Our Butler has the biggest vacuum they install which is 540cfm and we run all two inch vacuum hose with a two inch wand, and if you want to know why that is for a different post but my van definetly sucks.) We were amazed at the amount of stains that came out effortlessly. I got out what looked like rust, blue and red ink, drink spills, dog terds, etc. The best part was this whole process took me and one of my employees a little less than two hours and we collected 427.00. That is 213.50 an hour. We probably could have been out of there 15 minutes earlier but we had to shot the breeze with the customer. I got back to the shop and had to call Rick and get some more of the Encap-Punch and some soileze. This stuff really works.

Kevin Pearson


Re: One of my all - time nasty jobs

October 20 2004, 5:53 PM 

wow! i'll have to get some next time i place an order.

Derek Beyer

Re: One of my all - time nasty jobs

October 20 2004, 10:55 PM 

i cant remember if i mentioned it before or not, but i do find that Encap can take out minor rust spots.

i like my Punch thus far. used it for 1st time last night on a 3000 sq.ft. fine dining restaurant. the time before i used Encap clean....Punch seemed to do a better job but was hard to tell due to the very poor lighting in this place.

look forward to using it more tho!

Kevin, did you mix the Soileze in with the Punch? or just spray it down afterwards.?.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas


October 21 2004, 7:54 AM 

Thanks for sharing that info with us Kevin. It pleases me more than you can know to hear that you put Encap-Punch through fire and it did well. I had really hoped to produce a hot product when I went around and around with my chemist developing Encap-Punch. I had hoped for a winner and my testing showed that we had found it. But the ultimate proof of any product's capabilities comes from the customers out in the field. So I really appreciated your experience about the new juice. BTW It sounds like that house didn't need a "Punch", it needed a bulldozer.

Derek, Kevin isn't mixing Soileze with Encap-Punch, he's using it as a spray-on carpet protector. The raw fluoro-chemical ingredient of Soileze is produced by a former DuPont chemist who left and started his own company. The guy is brilliant. His products are state of the art all the way. We've seen that this fluoro-chemical is a much better product than the DuPont Zonyl that we originally worked with. And it's completely compatible with the Releasit detergents.

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Woohoo!

October 21 2004, 9:32 AM 

Hey Derek, ditto what Rick said.

Kevin Pearson

Derek Beyer

Re: Woohoo!

October 21 2004, 2:07 PM 

thanx guys

Current Topic - One of my all - time nasty jobs
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