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Newbie with Questions

October 21 2004 at 5:23 PM

As a newbie in using the Cimex machine for carpets could someone answer a couple of questions for me.
1) In everything I've read it says to put enough solution so the carpet shows a white foam, what happens if you put to lttle solution or to much solution.
2) Also can area rugs be cleaned on wood floors using this system or is it not recommended.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Newbie with Questions

October 21 2004, 6:24 PM 

Hello Rudy,

Welcome to the club!

1. The light whitening of the surface is simply your visual cue that tells you that you're applying the correct amount. You'll quickly see that it's not hard to get the feel for laying out the solution just right. Don't worry, if you use a little to much, or you use a little less, it's not going to blow up. The light foaming action is simply your indicator to guide your application of detergent.

2. Yep. The Cimex can clean a rug on top of a sealed wood floor as long as you don't over-wet it and soak the rug to the backing (this could damage the wood). You'll also find that the Cimex won't kick the rug all around the room like other machines will. The rug will stay put without budging an inch. Cool you say? You betcha! This is because of the planetary scrubbing motion of the heads.

Rudy if you need more help at any time you can always contact me and I'll do my best to assist you. Have fun with your new toy. I think you're gonna like it

Rick Gelinas


Newbie with Questions

October 22 2004, 7:59 PM 

Hello Rude Rudy,
When doing area rugs make your wet passes just close to the edges and work the solution over afterwards, you will find that there is all less over spray on the hardwood floors or always carry a absorbant cloth with you as I place mine over the tank fill which helps retain the heat in the tank better.

Current Topic - Newbie with Questions
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