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what size??48 or 64

October 22 2004 at 8:06 AM
Graham Oldfield  

Dose anyone use cimex cr64 and is it that much better than the cr48,just blooking at the pro's and con's.


Rick Gelinas

Re: what size??48 or 64

October 22 2004, 12:46 PM 


The CR64 (24") sells for $1,000 more than the CR48 (19"). Most contractors have felt that it really doesn't add up to spend so much more to only gain five additional inches. It would make more sense to purchase 2 19" machines and for 50% more and gain 19 more inches and have more flexibility besides.

BTW The reason why we've been able to sell the 19" so inexpensively is because Truvox of England produces the 19" machines in LARGE numbers and ships over container loads full of the 19" machines. The other machines just drizzle through in ones and twos.

Rick Gelinas


Re: what size??48 or 64

October 22 2004, 2:55 PM 

Rick you have become a true salesman, buy two 19 inch machines instead of one 24 inch machine, makes no sense to me.
The truth of the matter is the 24 inch machine will not clean that much more carpet per man hour, and if you are doing office buildings it is hard enough with a 19 inch machine to get into most workstations, don't know how you would ever get into these areas with a 24 inch machine.
If your business is cleaning wide open areas than the 24 inch machine is an option, doubt if you will find pads to fit the drive blocks, and brushes just don't cut the mustard when it comes to the agitation required to make encap products work at their best.


Rick Gelinas

Re: what size??48 or 64

October 22 2004, 3:56 PM 

Hey Don Whatsup?

You apparently missed the point of what I was saying. Allow me to me explain it again.

Buy a 24" Cimex for $3400
or buy a 19" Cimex for $2300

With the 24" machine you've gained an extra 5 inches over the 19" machine and it has cost you an extra grand.

If covering more carpet is the concern, then it really makes a lot more sense to pay an extra thousand bucks over the cost of the 24" machine and get 2 19" machines. It's pretty simple. You'd now be able to clean 38 inches of carpet with your investment instead of 24 inches. Plus you'll have more flexibility to be able to send the two machines into different parts of the building as you're cleaning.

Now I didn't go to Harvard but this seems like pretty simple math.

Rick Gelinas


For us Cimexely challeengd.....

October 22 2004, 5:11 PM 

Could you explain that again? But type a little slower this time.


Kevin Pearson

Re: For us Cimexely challeengd.....

October 22 2004, 5:55 PM 


I laughed my butt off over that last post. Thanks for the humor at the end of the day.

Kevin Pearson

Derek Beyer

Re: For us Cimexely challeengd.....

October 22 2004, 8:40 PM 

Rick what's the big idea?? ya think this is your forum or something and your allowed to sell your wares here?

lol...Rick did mention in his 1st reply that it makes more sense with the 19" due to it's flexibility. so buy two 19"ers, makes sense to me.

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Oct 22, 2004 8:57 PM


Re: For us Cimexely challeengd.....

October 22 2004, 9:27 PM 

Makes no sense if you are a one man operation, hard to run two machines at one time.


Re: For us Cimexely challeengd.....

October 23 2004, 10:48 AM 

It is easy to run two machine at one time, it just takes a little practice. Can we all just get along.


Stephen Dobson

Re: For us Cimexely challeengd.....

October 23 2004, 12:34 PM 

makes sense to only buy the 19" in my mind.
not worth paying another grand for 5" more cleaning path.
I used to see people in the lawn/landscape area, buy bigger mowers for about 2k more, for maybe another 12" deck, and sometimes a 6" larger deck. not worth it on high speed, ZTR, zero turn radius, mowers. It may save you 5 minutes on a larger job.

The 19" is lighter, smaller and we know that is one knock on the cimex to start with. It is very heavy and a very large machine.
so purchasing a 24" would only multiply this concern.

I would spend the extra grand and get two. Makes sense to me.
Use a helper for a larger job, it would pay for itself quick. Then if I was a one man crew, have 'one in the hole' so to speak.
But one 19 in over one 24 in anytime IMHO

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Another way of looking at it :-)

October 23 2004, 2:14 PM 

Rick Gelinas


I did the math...

October 23 2004, 3:24 PM 

Okay...I've been reading this post a couple of days and decided to do the math.

Five extra inches would equate to 2,526 - 3,789 square feet cleaned per hour (based on the 19" Cimex rate of 2K - 3K per hour). That is 526 to 789 more square feet cleaned per hour (assuming same walking speed as 19" in an open area). At 526 to 789 more square feet per hour it would take 13 to 19 hours to pay for the extra $1,000 for the 24" machine. That's at least $53/hour extra with 5 extra inches width!

That makes sense (cents) to me...

Lurker in the crowd...


Re: I did the math...

October 23 2004, 4:10 PM 

Hey Rick how do you get all those machines in that one van?

Derek Beyer


October 23 2004, 7:54 PM 

hey if they can fit a dozen midgets in a VW beetle, i think 20 Mex's can fit in a van

thanx --- Derek.


Stephen Dobson

Re: I did the math...

October 23 2004, 9:59 PM 

I agree Eric.
evidently you haven't hoisted up a Cimex
just kidding.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


I haven't

October 23 2004, 11:39 PM 


No I haven't lifted a Cimex. But I do have a van with a liftgate if I ever get one.

If you head to the Ohio ISCT meeting on the 27th maybe I could tag along. I'm guessing you'll go through my area (Dayton). I'd like to hear John Downey speak.



Kevin Pearson

After all this...

October 25 2004, 12:02 AM 

After all is said and done, I am sure Rick does not care which one you buy, just as long as you buy. LOL

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: After all this...

October 25 2004, 7:02 AM 

Actually it would be better for me if he bought the more expensive one. And there I am directing Graham toward getting the more practical 19" machine. LOL Guess I'm not such a good salesman as Don says I am after all.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 25, 2004 10:36 AM

Gary R. Heacock

1 guy, 2 Cimex machines

October 25 2004, 4:23 PM 

Easy. Push one and pull one.

One in each hand. That way, you would cover more territory.



Re: 1 guy, 2 Cimex machines

October 25 2004, 10:19 PM 

No Comment! Rick.
Gary I would love to see that the pushing and pulling 2 Cimex machines.

Derek Beyer

Re: 1 guy, 2 Cimex machines

October 25 2004, 10:44 PM 

I'll take Gary's idea and i will add to it!!

i once saw a feller mowing his lawn (small lot, about 1/5 an acre). he was on a rider mower and had attached with rope 2 push mowers, 1 on the left flank and 1 the right of the rider. they dragged behind it cutting a wider path BRILLIANT! and funny lol, such a small property.

so i say push 1 and tie 2 to your belt. talk about production!

but seriously, i dont think Gary is trying to be funny....i would bet someone out there has tried it!

thanx --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock

Real production

October 27 2004, 7:27 PM 

A while back, maybe a year or so, there was a guy promoting a power bonnet machine based on an invalid's power chair, with a single 17 inch bonnet head and sprayer, mainly for long hallways etc, and other big open areas.

Giving this basic idea a little thought, would this power chair push a Cimex? and if it would push a big model, I have no idea of how much push these things have, but anybody with a LOT of open area commercial jobs might want to look into this aspect.

If it works, send me a million dollars for the idea.


Current Topic - what size??48 or 64
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