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Pad Life

October 24 2004 at 2:57 AM
Gary Mac Kay  

I used 2 sets of pads tonight for 20k feet.

From what I read this is normal.

The pads are wearing hard in the center, probably because of the hole in the center of the pad drivers.

Anyone tried to put a slug in the driver hole? Just think this would extend the life.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Pad Life

October 24 2004, 7:35 AM 

The center is where the chemical comes out so that is why the hole is there. How would you put a slug in there and still feed the chemical properly?

Kevin Pearson

Gary Mac Kay

Pad Life

October 24 2004, 4:26 PM 

Yeah, your right. Made some hog hair pad slugs & not enough solution.

I can live with 2 sets of pads for 20k+ feet. Maybe I'll get better with my second use.

Derek Beyer

Re: Pad Life

October 24 2004, 5:24 PM 

i dont think i have cleaned 10k per pads yet. i cant imagine going over that. put your focus on cleaning the carpet to the best of your ability, i wouldnt concern myself with pad life too much....they are relatively cheap in comparison.

thanx --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Pad Life

October 24 2004, 11:51 PM 

I agree with Derek because if you charged properly for the job then your chemical and pad cost should be pennies a s.f. Worry about the cost of these things when bidding the job and just build in a few extra pennies a s.f. Now I know someone is going to be lower than your price, but don't you offer the best service? I am routinely higher than the competition and can get the job 75% of the time over low ball guy. I hired a guy back in January and until last week we would not let him go do estimates and it has only been in the last two months that we would let him go clean a vacant house by himself. So last week he goes out to do an estimate on Monday. He comes back and says the job is 700.00 with tax. (carpet, upholstery, and protector). The homeowner then calls me to tell me what a great employee I have and how he knows so much about cleaning and removing stains, odors, and was very knowledgable about our process, equipment, etc. She then said that she had three other bids (all over the phone) and I was the highest by $200.00 and that she wanted to book the job. We cleaned the house on Friday and collected the money and sent out a Thank you card. It took two guys a little over two hours and there was lots of profit in this job. By the way, my employee is only 19. So do not worry about the cost of pads, chemicals, etc. just make sure that all that stuff is covered in your price and then go sell your service, not your low price. I am not trying to say you do not run your business correctly or do not charge enough or put anybody down just thought I would add my two cents.

Kevin Pearson

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Oct 24, 2004 11:59 PM

Derek Beyer

Re: Pad Life

October 25 2004, 12:25 AM 

well said Kevin

BTW Kev, are you cleaning resi with Encap, some other VLM process, or HWE (TM)?

thanx --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Pad Life

October 25 2004, 12:36 AM 

I clean resi with HWE (my Butler). I do use Rick's new Encap-Punch through my butler though. I also use the Encap-spot and on commercial I use Releasit and a Cimex.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: Pad Life

October 25 2004, 9:54 AM 

The cost for detergent and pad wear is well under a penny per sq ft. Detergent costs using Encap-Clean DS are .003 per sq ft. And the cost for the pads is even less than that. So the comments above about worrying about more important things seems practical. It costs peanuts to clean with this method.

BTW We have commissioned a 12 month study at Harvard and Yale which enabled us to extrapolate the following data. The graph shown here compares the overall costs and profits of cleaning with Releasit and the Cimex. And the senate has just passed a referendum hereby endorsing the Releasit/Cimex system as the only sensible commercial cleaning method to be used in the US.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Pad Life

October 26 2004, 2:52 PM 

The type of carpet you are cleaning has a big bearing on pad life. Polypropylene carpets will chew up pads real fast, while nylon will give you 10,000 plus sq ft per set of pads.

Derek Beyer

Re: Pad Life

October 26 2004, 10:38 PM 

never thought of that b4, thanx Don

--- Derek.

Current Topic - Pad Life
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS