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Ever Try Kava-Kava?

October 29 2004 at 9:12 PM
Derek Beyer  

great stuff! i have heard some of the "health scare" info out there about how it can damage the liver, but i have talked with a few ppl and researched it enough to think it is safe if used wisely....balance is the key as with anything.

i take it when my stress level or anxiety level gets high...helps on those big accounts i am trying to land when i go in to meet with the higher-ups and feelin a little nervous....mellows me right out, kind of a slight numb-all-over feeling but can still think clearly.

anyone else that has / does take it?

thanx --- Derek.

Davo Flores

never heard of it..........

October 31 2004, 5:20 AM 

Is it like Noni Juice or Melaleuca?

Derek Beyer

Re: never heard of it..........

October 31 2004, 10:50 PM 

while i have heard of both those products, i am honestly not sure how they compare.

i know it isnt a well known product in mainland US....alot bigger in Germany and Hawaii. was just kinda thinking outloud when i posted this hehe

thanx --- Derek.


Jay Schonts

Re: Fish Oil

November 2 2004, 3:58 PM 

Forget all that stuff and just take Fish Oil. Get yourself one of those big bottles of it at Walmart or wherever. Take at least 5 a day. I sometimes take 10 a day. Prescribed by my doctor. You would be hearing about the resurgency of Fish oil but "alternative" drugs take all the big marketing bucks. There isn't alot of $$ in fish I guess...There are no side affects and it's really REALLY good for you too.

Derek you don't know me from a hill of beans but I personally guarantee you will like taking the fish oil. I'm not kidding when I say it makes you feel good. I don't mean normal without stress-I mean you feel good.

Eskimos have virtually no history of stress/depression etc...They were too busy being happy.

This message has been edited by Jay_Schonts on Nov 2, 2004 3:59 PM

Davo Flores oil

November 2 2004, 7:55 PM 

Fish oil very helpful. Don't take in your quantities. But use every day.

Knew a depressed Eskimo when I lived in California. Maybe because he lived.....

I was interested in the "slight numb-all-over feeling".



Jay Schonts

Re: oil

November 2 2004, 8:48 PM 

There are no numbing side effects like other prescriptions. Nothing. Honestly.

This message has been edited by Jay_Schonts on Nov 2, 2004 8:49 PM

Davo Flores

numb and number

November 2 2004, 9:34 PM 

I take so much fish oil..... the other day I ran a stoplight and the cop tagged and released me.

Wasn't clear. Meant numbing caused by kava-kava. Referred to in first post.

Got used to being numb when took Hydrocodone after spinal fracture. But not clear headed.

Numb with clear head, now thats the ticket.



Jay Schonts

Re: numb and number

November 2 2004, 11:19 PM 

OK I see it now. Sorry. That was pretty clever with the catch and release joke!! I'm going to remember that one.

This message has been edited by Jay_Schonts on Nov 2, 2004 11:20 PM

Derek Beyer

Re: numb and number

November 3 2004, 12:17 PM 

lol Davo.

well if you were going to try it, i recommend the good stuff not store bought. we just bought a new bottle for me - 8 oz bottle of tincture for $77.00....a 1 oz bottle on his site is $12.50

but that bottle will last me several months. and if you think fish oil tastes bad, wait til ya getta load of this stuff

here is the fella who makes the Kava i am is a lil more expensive through his site....check here for the product to order direct :>

check here for his product to order in your own state (is what i do) these places cause they prolly sell it cheaper than he does directly from his site :>

also buy the smallest bottle you can that way if you dont like it you arent out much $$$. try and make sure the bottle you buy comes with an eye-dropper. i take 1-3 eyedroppers (depending on stress level) a couple times a day or as needed. realistically, i take it one to 3 times per week.

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Nov 3, 2004 12:27 PM
This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Nov 3, 2004 12:22 PM
This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Nov 3, 2004 12:18 PM

Current Topic - Ever Try Kava-Kava?
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