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I've been quiet long enough........

November 2 2004 at 9:45 PM

First of all, thanks to all you knowledgeable guys for all the tips and tricks that have been shared. I've really learned a lot. OK here's the scenario:
I cleaned a home for a lady awhile back and she turned into one of my biggest cheerleaders. She referred me to her daughter, who owns a pretty large tech company. I cleaned her office (pre cimex, unfortunately) which came to $400 and change. She in turn referred me to the janitorial company who cleans her office. Out of that I've done several of her accounts (with the cimex) and she's been super impressed. She in turn referred me to her father, who also owns a janitorial business. He called me last week and set up a job with me. Here's the details:
2 buildings, side by side
total area: 12854 feet2
total time: 8 hours ( 1/2 hour for lunch)
total cost: chemical $38.50 and $100 for helper
Revenue per hour: $165.00

The saga continues.....He calls be back (i cringe, expecting some bad news) and tells me he is blown away and wants me to do all his accounts, many of which are state buildings and he is going to refer me to his other daughter who also owns a janitorial company. I love this family! Anyway here is my new formula for success. 1 cimex, 3 fiberplus pads, 1 gallon encap-clean ds, 1 spotter bottle with encap-clean, and the conquest = $$$$$$$$

Thanks Guys........Tom

Derek Beyer

Re: I've been quiet long enough........

November 2 2004, 10:54 PM 

good grief, some ppl just poop money....WHEN AM I GONNA CATCH MY BIG BREAK!!

well congrats Tom. i would wish you success, but you have enough for the both of us



With an attitude like yours Derek...

November 2 2004, 11:22 PM 

Probably very soon! It's great to come on the boards to see positive peeps.

Derek Beyer

Re: With an attitude like yours Derek...

November 2 2004, 11:46 PM 

lol, yea it is...and i hope your right and my gravy train is coming around the bend

but realistically i know my chances of clients falling in my lap prolly wont happen, gotta keep hittin the pavement and MAKING things happen.

on a postive note, it's ironic that one prospect i called today and met for the 1st time wasnt interested in CC'ing cause they have new carpet, but he referred me to 2 ppl:
one who maintains 400,000 sq.ft. office park (i called him immediately and he wanted a demo, then said he 1st wants info emailed to him so i did...looks promising).

the second sells 600,000 sq.ft of commercial carpet a year....left him a voice-mail.

i didnt even ask this gent for any help, he just told me their stories, phone numbers and told me to call them...1st time for me and boy was i grateful! gonna have to send this fellow a gift of some sort, and maybe give his office a free cleaning down the road if these leads pan out.

hey, i guess good things are happenin for me

thanx --- Derek.


Re: With an attitude like yours Derek...

November 6 2004, 5:58 AM 

time, that is what it is... how long you been in biz???

took me 6 yrs of biz till i got THAT CALL, and boom its gone nuts the last 3

Derek Beyer

Re: With an attitude like yours Derek...

November 7 2004, 8:16 PM 

well if your asking me, i have been CC'ing part-time since 1998. the last 6 months since i started Encap / Cimex (before that i was doing HWE), it has been my goal to do away with my office cleaning biz that i started fulltime in 1993 and make Encap'ing my full-time career future. so i realize i have alot of work to do and i'm relatively a n00b.

hehe --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock

A matter of luck!!

November 10 2004, 10:33 PM 

AND!! Timing!!

You can (I have) knocked on many doors, gotten many "No Thanks" then BOOM!!
All of the business I can handle!!

Ya just gotta be in the right place at the right time is all. And a spot of luck helps too!!

But in order to get that biggie, ya never know who or where or when, if you don't try, you will never get it.

So... don't be discouraged with all the "No Thanks" you surely will get.


Current Topic - I've been quiet long enough........
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