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Letters to buisness

November 3 2004 at 3:57 PM

do any of you have any good example letters that you would send to a buisness, say you got an address from the phone book of a banquet hall or dentist office, and you want to send a marketing letter and company info to?

I know in person gets the best response, thats what I do to refered or easy to approach buisness but sometimes it's hard to get in the door to some places such as churchs etc.

I thought maybe a nice letterhead and info to set up an appointment to speak with someone might get a little response.

Anyone doing this or have any recomandations?


Michael Norlen


November 3 2004, 7:22 PM 

Hi I am new to this world of Cimax I purchased 1 unit and 1 week later I purchased another .I use a fantastic marketing tool that I would love to share . Take the free marketing poster on this site and make a card stock the same size of an .invitation ...very few people will toss an invitation .I ask if they would like a free 10 min demo(promising not to waist their time) works great

Michael Norlen
Mid-West Carpet Care

This message has been edited by mnorlen on Nov 3, 2004 7:25 PM

Rick Thode

Mike, aren't you coming to Vegas?

November 3 2004, 8:20 PM 

Hey Mike:

Hope your having fun there with the new gear. I'm just at the airport in Calgary to go to Connections. Aren't you going?

Rick Thode
Clean Effects Ltd.


Michael Norlen


November 4 2004, 7:35 AM 

I would haved loved to go had I known about it
hey put me on your newsletter mail list .. let me know all about the trip have fun ..

Derek Beyer

Re: Letters to buisness

November 3 2004, 10:54 PM 

most everything i use in my marketing, i got right on this forum. do a search on Marketing, you will find a post by Rick where he tells us what he uses verbatim. i edited it to fit my company and use it along with the other piece of marketing you mentioned.

i go to any business i want to and hand them my marketing material in person, as you mentioned. no it isnt always easy, but i have been used to going and knocking on strangers doors since i was a wee lad.

offering the free demo is key in my opinion. when i hand my material (which is folded into an envelope), i let the receptionist know, "i do CC'ing and i am offering a free demo.......". i then ask whom i would ask for when i call back and 9 times outta 10 i get the decision makers name. i feel that the receptionist now feels like since i am offering a free demo, that it is a decision that she isnt in a position to make and i better deal with someone higher up than she is.

also dont forget, keep GOOD notes. write down the name of the company, phone number, gatekeepers name, decision maker's name, dates called, personality of the aforementioned ppl, anything you can think of, cause a year or 2 down the road, those who turned you down may at that time be in a position to have their carpets cleaned. this has worked well for me on a number of occasions. i used to market like this for office cleaning and now i have gone back or called these ppl back and offered the free demo and keeping the decision maker's names has helped out alot.

thanx --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson


November 4 2004, 8:34 AM 

Mike you gotta read Cleanfax and ICS cleaning specialist magazine because the Connections thing has been in there all year. Plus ditto what Derek said. Rick has some good marketing ideas and brochures.

Kevin Pearson

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Nov 4, 2004 8:35 AM

Current Topic - Letters to buisness
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